roycn Member


  • I like this thread, do you all do this every day? I like seeing what others are eating, to help give me ideas. BTW my food choices are not so great today as I did not plan :( Breakfast: Asiago Bagel with a pat of butter Lunch: piece of pepperoni pizza Dinner: Probably steamed shrimp and green beans
  • Add me, I need accountability too!
  • I like my chai lattes too! Unfortunately, they have a ton of sugar in them so I'm trying to tell myself that it will be a rare treat.
    in Starbucks Comment by roycn July 2017
  • I was on it for almost a year. I think within a few months I got what ppl referred to as the "dreaded shred" where I started loosing a lot of hair rapidly, it did come back to the amount I started with when I started taking the medication but I never noticed where it got to the point of looking like a full healthy head of…
  • I had my little one in July, does anyone have tips on fitting in exercise? I'm struggling with it.
  • I can relate to what you are going through, I myself am a bit worried. I have been on medications for three years now. I am getting married in a few months and we wanted to start a family as well. I spoke to my doctor who said that I could go on medication that would be relatively (which makes me nervous) safe for the…