schatzi Member


  • Carajo - I wasn't sure if you had seen this or not . I found a rotation on that includes all the TJ DVD's: ROTATION WITH ALL TURBO JAM DVDS WEEK 1: 1. Fat Blaster and Lower Body Jam 2. Cardio Party Remix and 3T 3. Punch Kick and Jam 4. Kickin Core and Ab Jam 5. Cardio Party 2 and Booty Sculpt 6. Total Body…
  • :happy: I definitely in!! Can't wait to see what Chalene has in store for us next! Did the preview mention how heavy we will be lifting?
  • Turbo Jam DOES kick your butt! I'm sure you know that the calories burned will depend on your current fitness, age, weight...and a bunch of other factors.:wink: I'm 5'8" at 145 lbs and I excercise regularly. I burn roughly 300 calories in the 30 minute cardio workouts. I only found 2 TJ workout days in my excercise log…