Raska Member


  • Ketostix are how one measures if they are in ketosis. The results the ketostix show is not an indicator of "more" or "less" in ketosis. What it does mean is how hydrated you are. THe darker the color on the ketostix, the more dehydrated you are.
    in Ketosis Comment by Raska June 2012
  • Broscience to the rescue!!!
  • Definitely not. I feel that anyone who has an issue with it has deeper insecurities and a lack of trust exists.
  • The REAL star was Eli Manning. I'll never look at a banana the same way again =P
  • Don't get me started on the ending. It just felt like such a cop out, and betrayed everything the series stands for. The free DLC is only going to add some cinematics to the ending, and not change anything about the choices (or lack thereof) you made. I feel like the first 99% of the game was some of the best I've ever…
  • My 5% carb ratio gives me 20g exactly. 108g of fat, 142g of protein, and 20g of carbs a day is my daily goal, though there is some variance there since I find it very difficult to hit all three spot on.
  • Howdy r/keto!