

  • I'm with you. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 11 (19 years ago!) and I haven't been in control with it. My eating is not good, my exercise is not good, and I blame the diabetes for me not being healthy. I'm back to MFP today and I joined a gym yesterday. I get extremely frustrated as well with trying to lose…
  • Wow - so much negativity here! Come on, fellow MFP users, where's the encouragement?? You're not going to be able to use the exact program someone else does and expect it to work for you. I tried all sorts of things before I discovered MFP is the only thing I can stick to. I lost 40lbs initially on MFP. Gained back 17 when…
  • Hello! My name is Anne and I moved to Wilmington, NC almost a year ago with a job transfer. I've been using myfitnesspal for years, but decided I need to start getting involved in the community forums for support! I am getting married May 10th (2 months) and I definitely need to drop some lbs. I've been "on track" for the…