

  • And if you ABSOLUTELY MUST have chocolate- grab a square of dark chocolate to curb the craving on your way to the gym! You'll feel 1000 times better after you sweat it out and get some good endorphins going through your system! :)
  • Snookumss, I thought this website really covered the topic well. Hope it helps!
    in Protein? Comment by Afbarbie969 May 2011
  • Tonicla! That's amazing! You look fabulous and I bet people tell you all the time. Congrats girl!
    in Progress Comment by Afbarbie969 May 2011
  • I love JM 30 day shred, and the other Biggest Loser video "weightloss yoga"! I do yoga on days when I can't get motivated to go to the gym... but it's not sissy workout!