Relationship on the rocks and I need chocolate!!



  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
  • That's some great advice
  • i was going to comment but it seems everyone has beaten me to it!! you should be losing weight for you! not him! i
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    I know the feeling.

    The thing is, I'm doing this for me and my kids...not for anyone else! And if I have learned anything over the past 7 months, stuffing your face isn't the answer. Exercising is now what I do to get rid of stress. I feel so much better once I'm done.

    Don't let this ruin any progress you have made, be strong and do this for YOU! Good luck!
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Keep working out.
    You need to look hot so you can get a real hot bf when you're single.
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    Do it for yourself, you are the only one that REALLY counts. Besides, what better revenge than to get smokin' hot and be with someone else!! :)
  • DemiRaye
    DemiRaye Posts: 37
    Do it for YOU! My boyfriend and I started our weight loss journeys together, but we're not doing it for the other. I'm losing weight because I want to feel good about myself, and he is losing to feel better about himself. My advice would be to put yourself first in all aspects and then worry about your relationships. You can't give true, genuine love to him or anybody else, if you aren't truly in love with yourself first.

    Best of luck to you during this difficult time <3
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I understand where you are comng from. A couple weeks ago I found out my Mom was diagnosed with cancer. It really hit me and I ended up falling back on my old eating ways (lots of chocolate chip cookies, lots of beer). I did notice that the binging did not make me feel better, like I thought it would. It actually made me feel worse. Instead I went out for a run, and it helped clear my head.

    I know what you are going through is rough, but use that anger and frustration to fuel you workouts, not your sweet tooth. (ok... you can have 2 cookies... :wink: )
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Here's what I say.... and it's not going to be what everyone else says (at least I don't think so, but I tend to blubber on)....

    Eat that junk... go ahead, eat it. I'm serious too!!! You know in your heart where things are heading and it's tough to deal with. I've been there, but I was two months pregnant.

    Do whatever it is that comforts you until you feel sick of it and say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"... you'll find that fuel to get back on the wagon, but you might need to hit bottom before you do that. AND WHEN YOU GET BACK ON THE WAGON, you'll be ready and nothing will stand in your way because a fire will be lit under your *kitten* and you'll be doing this for yourself!!

  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    If you do anything like lose weight for someone else, you will never maintain it. You can't place "conditions" on positive change (i.e. I'll lose 15 lbs if I get this job, boyfriend, girlfriend, million dollars). If you have a reservation about your lifestyle change then don't bother. You have to want this for yourself and nobody else! Also, the best way to feel better about yourself during/after a break up is to get fit! Then you feel sexy and confident!
  • larkiedeek
    larkiedeek Posts: 203 Member
    Sorry to hear this.

    This might be the inspiration to move onto the next and best phase of your life.

    Go out and excersise, stay off the chocolate and use the pain to motivate you to work out. You can make this happen.

    p.s. yesterday was my 200th day without chocolate and soda.
  • Make this about you. Not, "I'm doing this to look good for someone else". That is sooooo the wrong reason to get into shape. I know that it's hard to do when there are other things weighing on your mind. But like all the other's above me have said, put on ur head phones, throw in some Breaking Benjamin (kidding throw in what you get motivated too) and work out...
    You can do it...
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Oh No, We have all been in the situation & it hurts, its scary & well you feel like crap,..understandable but PUT the chips, brownies, pizza , ben & jerrys down & step away b/c that comfort will only make you feel worse.

    This is the time to show this guy what he MIGHT lose. Yes "You should do this for yourself" but Im like you, I need a drive, so whatever your motivation is FOCUS on that & get off that butt go for a walk, work out, show him what you can accomplish & in no time youll be so focused that youll start to do this for yourself & not for him, Youll feel Hella good & he will see this. Hey by then you might not want to work things out.

    This is your time to shine. Keep youself busy, go out with friends, do things youve wanted to do but didnt, & workout on your own with some tunes Believe that what is meant to be, will be.

    At the end of the day youll be healthier, happier & stronger. Everytime you want to call him go walk a mile, when you want to text him, go dance for 20 minutes. Give yourself distractions that include bettering yourself not punishing yourself with more things to feel down about.

    Good Luck if you need to talk, feel free to message me. <3
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    go get your own puppy! better yet go to your local shelter and volunteer to walk the dogs. it sucks that everything is falling apart BUT you're doing all this for YOU not him! if you do end up breaking up just think how amazing you'll look when you've completed your journey. :) if you must wallow in chocolate set aside one day, go and get yourself and ice cream at an ice cream shop and enjoy every bit of it. don't go out and buy a tub of ice cream and eat it all go out and enjoy it!
    July has been the worst month ever. My bf of 3+ years and I are teetering on the edge of break-up, and all I want to do is eat crap. I have lost my motivation to work out, too (why work to look good when the person you love doesn't really give a crap?). We started this weightloss journey together, and now he's moved in with his mom for a bit until we can see if we can straighten things out. He took his puppy, too, and walking him was my main motivation for getting out and moving. Excuses, excuses, I know, but it's SO hard to stay on track right now. Sigh.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I have lost my motivation to work out, too (why work to look good when the person you love doesn't really give a crap?).

    The person you love should be you!

  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Or you could stick with it, get really hot, and then make him sorry.

    Besides, exercise will boost your mood. Get out and do something active, you'll reduce your urge to binge, and you'll have some sweet endorphins to boot.
  • Kldouville
    Kldouville Posts: 6 Member
    Great response I too am going thru a divirce and this week I didnt even feel like going to the weight loss is for me not him but the motivation to keep going is hard I came home and just wanted to be in my bed and sleep :( I dont want to gain all the weight I have lost so that is the only reason why I am still here loggin in I am sure next week will be better and maybe I can pull myself together and go to the gym
  • And if you ABSOLUTELY MUST have chocolate- grab a square of dark chocolate to curb the craving on your way to the gym! You'll feel 1000 times better after you sweat it out and get some good endorphins going through your system! :)
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    You need to do this for yourself and not him! Get up, get a new puppy to walk with, and don't worry about him if he's coming back or not.
  • Kldouville
    Kldouville Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks I also have same problem going thru a divorce! Words I also need to hear!!