Relationship on the rocks and I need chocolate!!

July has been the worst month ever. My bf of 3+ years and I are teetering on the edge of break-up, and all I want to do is eat crap. I have lost my motivation to work out, too (why work to look good when the person you love doesn't really give a crap?). We started this weightloss journey together, and now he's moved in with his mom for a bit until we can see if we can straighten things out. He took his puppy, too, and walking him was my main motivation for getting out and moving. Excuses, excuses, I know, but it's SO hard to stay on track right now. Sigh.


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    No excuses. you just got to put on your big girl panties and do it.
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
    My opinion is DO IT FOR YOURSELF!
    You can't do this for anyone but YOU.
    And if he doesn't give a crap who cares - b'c the next (if your bf doesn't come around) WILL give a crap!
    So chin up~!
    You can do this.
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    The best way to be successful is to want to lose the weight for you and no one else. If your trying to do it for someone else you'll never be happy.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Throw on some Kelly Clarkson or Cher tunes (Strong Enough comes to mind) and work out. It'll be a better outlet for your anger and you will feel better rather than guilty if you gorge on chocolate. Trust me I've lost 34 pounds partly fueled by my recent dislike of men lol
  • mfoutch86
    mfoutch86 Posts: 87
    You don't need chocolate or any other junk for that matter, thats something you have conditioned yourself to think. Go for a run. Sweat out all the emotions.
  • hellokehtty
    You know, if you do get out there and get moving, it will help clear your head - get your mind off of it for a bit!!
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    I have lost my motivation to work out, too (why work to look good when the person you love doesn't really give a crap?).

    The person you love should be you!
  • missymuffet459
    My opinion is DO IT FOR YOURSELF!
    You can't do this for anyone but YOU.
    And if he doesn't give a crap who cares - b'c the next (if your bf doesn't come around) WILL give a crap!
    So chin up~!
    You can do this.

  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 290 Member
    I do feel for you was in a similar situation! however I am losing weight for me so I still kept working out! maybe you are losing weight for the wrong reasons...if your main reason is someone else!
  • danabrash
    danabrash Posts: 67
    why work to look good when the person you love doesn't really give a crap?

    Because you love yourself. why do it for anyone else?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Sorry about your situation, but don't fall back on food...its NOT the answer and will only make you feel worse after you eat it.

    Take your feelings out in the gym, or get outside for a run. Exercise is great for getting rid of anger and stress...

    Good luck, and hang in there.
  • jrwatson87
    jrwatson87 Posts: 66
    If you want to use him as a reason to lose weight, it is the wrong reason. I've done it a million times so I know how it feels. You have to push yourself and show him that you are stronger without him. He will come crawling back no joke
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    defintely do it for yourself! I know how difficult it is to have a relationship on the rocks. been there. stand strong.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Why work to look good? You work to look good for yourself. If you dont give a crap about yourself why should anyone else.

    My boyfriend is all muscle and abs and he loved me even though I gained weight. I started to lose weight because I couldnt stand looking at myself anymore. The difference is now I like the way I look, too.

    I know its hard when relationships start coming apart but you still have to take care of you. I hope your relationship works out the way you want it to but if it doesnt, you are going to feel even worse if you wind up gaining lots of weight as a result of it.
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Just remember... even though may have started together bottom line is you are doing this for you.
    Refocus, and give it hell =)
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    Sounds like kickboxing is in your future.
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    You will not be happy with yourself with or without him until you make the changes you need to make.

    If a puppy was helping you stay motivated...get a new puppy.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    At the risk of sounding harsh, whether you shove a bunch of chocolate down your throat or not, you're still going to be in this situation. It's ok to be upset. Maybe you need to learn to feel your feelings, not eat them. You're human. We're emotional critters. Don't be ashamed of a few tears, they are part of life.

    Wishing you well & positive vibes your way!
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    wow I can SUPER relate to you atm. My bf and I of 4 years (4 and a half years in a few days too. great timing huh...) are on the edge and I have wanted to do nothing but lay in bed. I guess I should tell yah to get it out of your head and workout (might relieve some stress) and to not eat bad or else you'll feel worse... but I don't wana be hypocritical. All i can say is good luck hun, feel better and best wishes to you. Try to get in there to work out if you can but if not I mean life happens sometimes...
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    (why work to look good when the person you love doesn't really give a crap?)

    Because your worth is not determined by someone else's opinion of you.
    No matter what happens with your bf, YOU are worth every ounce of effort you have.
    Don't give up.