fabulusn40 Member


  • I had a bad week too. I just posted a message basically saying the samething. It's funny in your head you have all the right answers and know exactly what to do but when it comes to putting it in action it goes to the wayside. However, like everyone said it takes baby steps. Last week is gone and all we have is today. I…
  • Help, I am an emotional eater and it has been a bad week. I wish I was one of those people who can't eat when they get stressed but I am just the opposite. I'm not saying I totally binge out and eat everything in sight, I just like to eat junk food. Plus I went to three birthday parties this week and cake was on the menu.…
  • Welcome to a great site with people who really support you in every way. Exercise is always hard but just take it one day at a time. Once you see how it changes your numbers you will want to keep it up. Keep in touch. Good luck and good health.
    in well hi Comment by fabulusn40 July 2008
  • I have two and when I reach my goal I am going to get my 3rd. I have been waiting for a long time for it and I feel like this time I am going to make it. They are very addictive. If I had more money I would have had at least 5 by now. LOL!!!!!!!!!
  • Great Job!!! We are having a pot luck this week so I will use your example to resist, resist, resist.
  • Hey friend I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
    in I'm here Comment by fabulusn40 July 2008
  • Welcome to MFP I am just on day two myself. Don't beat yourself up just make some progress everyday. So you went over 185 that was then this is now. Each day is a new beginning so don't look back look forward. You have joined a great site with plenty of support and we will be here for you. You can do it!!!! Good luck and…
  • Hello everyone, I had such an eye opening experience today. I went over my calories so I worked out and brought it back down. This is so easy. I was amazed at all the food they have listed. My daughter bought me a sub from a local shop and it was on the list. I am excited!!!! To all good luck and good health.
  • Hi lady, I feel you. It's a struggle for me too. Last summer I got down to a 14 and bought a whole new wardrobe. Guess what, I can't fit anything!!!!! I am so upset. This time I'm gonna do it the right way and keep it off. Keep in touch. Good luck and good health.
    in HOLA!! Comment by fabulusn40 July 2008
  • Hello to all my BBW & BBM, I am a plus size girl but I'm tall so everyone tells me I don't look that big I just have a big butt. Anyway, the jeans don't lie. I just wanted to say you have my support. According to the books i need to lose 60 but I don't know how I will look so I'm gonna start with 35 and see where it takes…
  • Thank you so much for your support. Today was my first actual day and I had a great time today tracking my food. I went over by about 400 calories so I am about to exercise it away. I didn't realize how much snacking made my caloric intake go up. But I'm glad the exercise gives me a chance to burn it off. I hate see those…
  • Hello everyone, I am signing up today after being challenged by a good friend. Also, I am tired of the yoyo thing. I have been up and down a million times over the last 14 years. I want to take the weight off right and keep it off. I want to look and feel my best. Thanks in advance for you support and I will do my best to…