memawwheeler Member


  • I like to use a lunch crockpot if I want something hot. Picked one up at Target for about $15. I just put in my leftovers or precooked foods like canned soups (have even put lean cuisine frozen dinners in it) and plug it in at my desk. It is always piping hot by lunch.
  • I wish I would have thought of this but I saw a post some time back that said to put sugar free fat free instant pudding into plain greek yogurt so I tried it and it is awesome!! The cheesecake flavor is my favorite and adding 25 calories a serving to greek yogurt, it really is a treat...and a great dessert if you add…
  • For baked apples, I like to core and chop a macintash and red delicious apple together and put into a microwave safe dish with some Torani sugar free Brown sugar cinnamon syrup (you can get lots of flavors at sprinkle cinnamon on top. I get the sweetness of the syrup without added calories. If I am making…
  • I tried just about all of it and most is pretty bad but the Asian Ginger dressing is good for making stirfry with brocoli slaw and chicken if you are careful to not use too much. I can eat the bacon ranch that comes in the individual packets ok but don't waste your money on the marshmallow or dipping chocolate or dipping…
  • Well, the 10 weeks is up and my final weight so far is 132.5. Not quite the 10 lbs but I am not going to quit. I had hoped to be in the 120's by my birthday which is tomorrow but maybe by Christmas...I hope everybody else had better luck.
  • I was not looking forward to weighing today after spending the last 4 days in Daytona Beach with my hubby. I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I only gained 2 lbs after indulging all weekend on pizza, wings, pasta and some alcohol (ok, a lot of alcohol). I had a great time and don't regret any of it but now it is…
  • I can't believe it!!! 135 lbs. I am so seemed I was stuck at 138 for so long. I have hope to keep going all the way to my goal weight...
  • Yea! down another pound...I was hoping for two but I am hanging in there...and won't complain because I am now at 137...
  • Wow, I feel a little better this morning. I was dreading stepping on that scale because I had been traveling last week and didn't always eat like I should but I weighed 137.5 when I got on the scale this morning (yea)...still on track and hope to do better next week.
  • Monday already. I had to weigh yesterday because I am traveling this week but I was at 138 (yea). I hope I dont gain a lot of weight this week eating every meal out. Wish me luck in making good choices.
  • I got on the scale this morning and weighed in at 139 - that's up 1 pound from last weigh in, think I am going backwards again...Guess I will see next week...
  • I started the 17 Day Diet on May 2nd and am on Cycle 2 for the second time. I still have about 30 pounds to go so I will probably start over again after Cycle 3. I lost about 10 pounds the first time and it has been slow going ever since but this is the first diet I have ever really stuck to. I do cheat and my portion…
  • When I really want chocolate, I make frozen yogurt. I take 1 cup of 0% fat free plain yogurt and mix 1 tbs of Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder and some stevia. I have one of those Hamilton Beach 1/2 pint ice cream makers and I just put it in there and make frozen yogurt in about 10 minutes. I have used the vanilla yogurt…
  • Hello. Glad you found this site. I found it a couple of months ago when my husband gave me a tablet for Mother's Day. I am still pretty new at all this message board and blog stuff but I figure I got to start somewhere. I don't know if you saw the 10 in 10 challenge under the motivational and support message board but I…
  • I have been at this plateau of up and down a pound to a pound and a half for a couple of weeks even with increased exercise and maintaining a 1200 calorie a day diet so I'm in.