

  • Talk to the good old MD. But think about... The FDA has approved on Alli for weight loss. I have never tried it but everyone who I have talked to says the fat melts away. The idea is that you take the pill with your meal and it prevents your body from absorbing some of the fat. You are requrired to allow only a small…
  • I am utterly addicted to Starbucks. However, I found that a tall Light Carmel Frappuccino has only 130 calories and 1 gram of fat. So it isn't as detrimental to my day. I will be the first to admit that it doesn't taste the same, but it gets me my surgary/coffee fix for the day. The Skinny Carmel Latte is only 90 calories…
  • Rice with fun stuff added like peas and carrots, or pineapple. You can mix broccoi with anything and with dozens of seasonings. Homemade mashed potatoes with skim milk and margarine Fruit salad and cool whip, Soups Salads Stir-fry veggies (even if you are not having chinese just throw in some different seasonings) Nothing…
  • Whatever I make for dinner I divide up the left overs in to smaller portions and freeze them in freezer baggies. This works great on soups, casseroles pretty much anything.
  • I am a fan of coconut breading Per filet: 1/4 cup bread crumbs 1 tbsp packed brown sugar 1 tsp garlic salt Coconut to taste (I like lots in this recipe) Salt and pepper to taste 1 beaten egg 1/4 cup flour Mix all but last 2 ingredients in to a baggie (use gallon size if cooking more than one filet. Coat filet in flour, and…
  • I typically reach for air-popped popcorn. 1 cup is about 35 calories. The 100 calorie pack of popcorn are roughly 1.5 cups. So with the air-popped kind you can have amost 3 cups and have the same calorie intake as one of the little bags. Also, per cup of post popcorn the air-popped stuff is way cheaper too. Win-Win.