

  • Thanks BrenNew. But I get up to go to work at 3 a.m. If I got up any earlier, I'd be getting up before I went to bed! LOL Would walking during my lunch count? We have a lot of stairs behind the hospital, perhaps I should walk up and down them? Any comments?
    in Hello Comment by leona42 July 2008
  • I understand how you feel JDS but keep at it. For me the hardest part will be getting in the required exercise. It will be fine on the weekends but weekdays I am so tired after work that I am afraid it will be a chore. Anyone have any suggestions?
    in Hello Comment by leona42 July 2008
  • The worst line I ever heard was from a country song: "If I told you, you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me!?" The worst part is: I was 15 and he was in his 50's. YUCK!!!
  • I can't believe how logging in what you eat with the portions and watching those calories that you can consume disappear really makes you think about the choices you can make. I've already found out to log what I "want" to eat and then totally change my mind, opting for a healthier choice. This is AWESOME!
    in Hello Comment by leona42 July 2008
  • Hi everyone. I am new to this site and from what I've read I think it's gonna be a positive experience. I knew I was overweight for a long time, but managed to come up with some really wonderful excuses not to do anything about it. LOL However, I have decided that enough is enough and I'm going to do something about it. No…
    in Hello Comment by leona42 July 2008