

  • I like Target for cheaper workout tops like tanks. Old Navy has $15 running shorts that I love. I always invest in sports bras, though--I cannot recommend the "Glory" bra from Athleta enough. It's amazing.
  • grilled chicken to add to salads green vegetables, esp. romaine lettuce and spinach whatever kind of fruit is in season cherry tomatoes eggs black beans vegetarian "refried" beans fresh salsa whole wheat tortillas peanut butter hummus almonds raisins oatmeal
  • Fantastic post! I break every single one of these "rules" every day, but it's helpful to see it all laid out. ;)
  • bump for later
  • Two-bite brownies from Whole Foods.
  • Do you know where you'll be going? I always try to look up menus beforehand and do a mockup of what the night might look like based on the choices I have. Sometimes I know I'm going to be over my calorie goal no matter what, but at least I'll know by how much.
    in Night Out Comment by leanan21 June 2011
  • Thanks for the great tips and encouragement, everyone!
  • Thanks for the great post, lucky48! I do feel a little silly now, since it didn't occur to me to just memorize the timing schedule for each run. Wow, what a great tool! I'll have to look in to one of those.
  • That makes sense. It was hard work (got the muscle shakes) but it was more taxing on my muscles than my heart.
  • I have been trying to figure out the same thing. By "hot" yoga, do you mean Bikram? The class I go to has the room heated to between 80 and 90 degrees and is a combination of Vinyasa Flow and "Power" yoga. I think Bikram keeps the room even hotter. My calculated calories counts for 60 minutes range from 300 to 700…