

  • I just did one last weekend (yay!) and it kind of depends on how competitively you are running. If you are taking it easy and not trying to shave time off of your best, it's not actually THAT important. However, make sure that you eat plenty of complex carbs the day before a long run so that you have enough energy to get…
  • Antihistamines reduce your body's ability to sweat, which would cause you to overheat more quickly. I think ALL allergy medications are considered antihistamines (Allegra, Claritin, Benadryl, Zyrtec, etc.). I don't know if all of those brands interfere with the ability to sweat, but I would think so.
  • It is VERY important to hydrate before you exercise, and if you are doing long runs, DURING your exercise. The info I've learned (through a running coach) was, for long runs, you should drink just one glass of water a half an hour or so before you run. If you are planning on running any longer than 1 hour, you should bring…
  • I always used to hate running (like, a lot) and I now realize why. I've trained for a couple of long-distance races and no matter how good of shape I'm in through the whole training, the first 20 minutes of every run always kind of sucks for me (legs burning, breathing kind of hard, etc.). However, after that, my body…
  • I learned a long time ago not to compare myself to others. Go swimming (!) and wear whatever makes you confident. If that's a bikini - go for it! If that's a one-piece - wahoo! But from what I can see you are a very attractive girl and you don't need to miss out on life based on your perceptions of other people vs. you.
  • I agree that a glass of milk is very soothing before you go to bed and you shouldn't eat if you're not hungry. If you ARE hungry, go ahead and have a little something. There's been research to show that the time of day that you consume calories does not have any significant impact on whether you store it. Remember it's…