redwngs13 Member


  • I just posted my own thread with this, but figured I'd also post here to reiterate heavy lifting's capabilities!
  • I always use the Arc trainer. I used to just do the Quick Start and change the resistance settings as I went along, but now I prefer to use the Interval program (I think it's P5) on level 5. I usually use the arms when it's on the high resistance, and then put my hands on my hips for low resistance intervals. I find it's…
  • Depending on my mood I will either put my iPod on shuffle (I have a mixture of rock, poprock, and dance music [mostly trance]), or I really like to listen to a variety of EDM podcasts such as Above & Beyond's Group Therapy or Armin Van Buuren's A State of Trance. My boyfriend listens to a talk podcast about economics…
  • Yep to everyone's replies here. I've eaten 2 eggs scrambled in butter every morning (during the work-week at least) since November 2012, and my cholesterol has actually dropped.
    in Eggs Comment by redwngs13 July 2013
  • I second this. I've now come to realize that maybe I need to take a step back and not try to just lift as heavy as possible, but rather focus on what's actually going to make the changes to my body that I'll be proud to show off. I've just been going through the motions!
  • Aw yeah, I got dis. Thread not complete without cats!
  • I love mixing unsweetened vanilla almond milk with my protein powder. Makes the shake extra rich!
  • While I agree with the notion that there aren't any specific foods to eat to build up your abs, the BF% that is mentioned here would be geared more towards men. Women cannot easily attain BF% below the teens. As a woman, I would aim more for a 15-20% range to begin to see the abs pop. Continue core strengthening exercises…
  • Lunch today: Seasoned chicken with broccoli and hummus.
  • You forgot: *their
  • Welcome! Check out this beginner body weight circuit on Nerd Fitness: This looks like it would be a great routine for you to try a few days a week as you can do it in your own home without any equipment. Good luck!
  • And for the record, I do like to show off my guy! I hope he's proud to show me off when we go out too.
    in proud... Comment by redwngs13 July 2013
  • If you're asking yourself this, then maybe it would be a bad idea to go forward with the relationship, let alone making a big move with him! With that being said, I actually am one of those crazy people that made a big move with a guy after only a couple months together. My story: I met my guy on last July. We…
  • Run Fatboy, Run! I live a mile away from the school that Remember the Titans was based off of!
  • As far as I know, it's pretty normal for a period to become irregular after a diet change. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Once you've been doing keto for longer I'm sure your body will adjust and things will start to look regular again. Check this out for some more info:…
  • Are you drinking enough water? I've read in a few different places that sometimes when you're dehydrated your thirst can be mistaken for hunger. It's important to keep well hydrated on a keto diet. I see quite a few "low carb" bread-type foods on your diary. I'm wondering if maybe these really do have hidden carbs in them…
    in Starving Comment by redwngs13 May 2013
  • You might need to open your hips more when you go down. When you're standing with your feet about shoulder width apart, move your toes out at about a 30 degree angle, and when you go down make sure your knees stay parallel above your feet. If your legs are too forward when you go down, you could end up pinching your muscle…
  • Obligatory "you can't target fat loss from a specific body part" post. Basically, just keep doing what you're doing. As you lose more fat it will eventually start to shrink. I'm sorry to say that's probably the last place it will come off.
  • My boyfriend has been doing 5/3/1 for a couple months now and is pretty pleased with his progress. He's been into weight training for around 10 years, but never followed a program. As soon as he started 5/3/1 he made some nice gains. I can really see his muscles starting to become bigger and more defined. I can't remember…
    in 5/3/1 Comment by redwngs13 May 2013
  • But why is eating fat so bad? Us low-carbers seem to get shunned for apparently demonizing carbs, but you're doing exactly the same thing with fat by making it seem like the villain. Eating fat does not make you fat. You're right in saying that the majority of people jumping on the low-carb train will end up derailing…
    in Keto? Comment by redwngs13 April 2013
  • ermagerd... Why does everyone always say this? I've seen it said so many times... "That's so unhealthy!!", but never explain why. Can you elaborate on why you think it is unhealthy? Most bacon is only unhealthy because of the added nitrates and crap. If you're smart about what kind of bacon you buy, it's perfectly fine.…
    in Keto? Comment by redwngs13 April 2013
  • Don't bash it til you've tried it! haha. But really, I see your point. I think what draws a lot of people to low carbing is the big initial drop of weight when you start. Sure, it's all water weight, but seeing that number drop on the scale gets everyone all excited. I admit, that really hooked me at the beginning, too.…
    in Keto? Comment by redwngs13 April 2013
  • It's all personal choice, really. Finding what works for you. For me, I like the way I feel on a keto diet. I don't get tired during the day and my digestion is a lot better. I also don't get ravenously hungry like I used to when I did a calorie-restricted low-fat diet. I've also heard when eating at a deficit, a keto diet…
    in Keto? Comment by redwngs13 April 2013
  • Throwing in my 2 cents. A keto diet is all about getting your body into a state of ketosis. You probably know this already, but when you're in ketosis you don't rely on carbs for energy, you rely on fat. Since your body has fat readily available to burn off and is now in a state optimized to do just that, you'll find that…
    in Keto? Comment by redwngs13 April 2013
  • I would say to add foods with more fat in them. With fat you get more calories with a smaller volume of food. I've seen lots of people suggest nuts (any kind), which is great for healthy fats, and a quarter cup is usually around 150-200 cals. Avocados are awesome, too. 1 avocado is around 300 cal and has lots of healthy…
  • I'm a member at PF. I think it really depends what your overall fitness goals are to whether or not this gym would suit your needs. I would say it isn't the greatest gym for hardcore bodybuilders, but it's pretty good for the beginner/intermediate lifter. For lifting, they have a big variety of isolation machines, along…
  • Quoting again for emphasis! I have also heard it this way: Your muscles have two types of fibers, "fast twitch" and "slow twitch". When you work out, your fast twitch fibers get fired off first for that initial explosion of energy, then after the fast twitch fibers run out of energy (ex. glycogen stores depleted), the slow…
  • My bf is not the mushy type and rarely affectionate, so it always gives me butterflies when we're out in public and he puts his arm around me or rubs my back. He compared us to an old married couple one time. I said "We've only been dating for 7 months and we've already reached the routine/monotonous stage?!". He replied…
  • I was relatively thin when I began a ketogenic diet (5' 6" 155 lbs). I was able to lose 15 pounds in around 3-4 months. I stopped losing weight in January, and have even gained back a few pounds since then, but I'm alright with it. I think the biggest benefit of the keto diet is actually experiencing ketosis. I rarely feel…