Your weight allways fluctuates. A diet doesnt make it fluctuate anymore that it already would, in fact it would be typically less from less actual food, glycogen, hydration, etc. So in a sense a diet is somewhat linear. I never read op's post though for some reason I thought she said she gained weight
Her answer to meal frequency would tell me a lot about her. Seriously I've been here for a day and can tell why most of you dont lose weight. You read up on things and take them way to literally, then you dismiss all other common sense. "halp, im actually losing weight and feel great but my computer generated TDEE says I…
Do you even read?
when did I say meal frequency did? when did I say exercise was absolutely required? she also doesnt need to write down her age to lose weight either, why didnt you call me out on that too?
Its really not. I dont know of any effective weight loss diets out there where you shoot up 5lbs one week and then shoot down 10lbs the next. Any variance would be due to bodily fluctuations such as current water levels, time of day, internal temperatures, etc.
What is it with fizzy drinks that makes it your downfall? I have not drank a soda or sugar beverage in 6 years so I forget how it feels to even care. Being as I am a cyborg I see soda as only empty calories, empty carbs, and copious amounts of sugar. aka fat in a glass with no energy producing value why would you want this?
How are you liking psychology?
This isnt good advice. 2 reasoons for this: You are gaining muscle and it is counter balancing -- more likely reason is your workouts are weaksauce. You are probably doing cardio in a fixed position for a fixed speed for a fixed time so no variance can be had due to laziness or fatigue. Cardio with dieting will also strip…
Nutrition studies operates on shaky foundations. Humans are idiots and this is why I am a cyborg. Current facts are proven wrong in the upcoming years. Unless you have severe cholestrol issues that would warrant the reduction of even good cholesterol such as eggs -- disregard your concerns. I've eaten 4 yolks per day for…
What is healthy? Stick to what you're doing because you feel fine. Reap the reward because you will burn out soon and most likely have to take 3-4 days off and up your cals to 1800. Or maybe not. Weight and seeee
One look at your avatar and I could tell you were british. You all wear so much eye liner and foundation. QT pic though. I weigh every day because im OCD
Hey OP Your data is skewed and most people here dont know what they're talking about. Also I wouldnt place much emphasis on that Food Diary as it will be inaccurate. Please state: A: Your Goals B. Your Age, Weight, Height C. Your Current Exercise Regimen (Briefly) D. Your Current Exercise Frequency E. Problems You Are…