

  • I did barre class for a while and loved it. It was quite hard and challenging but I really felt the results. My class was in a dance studio which meant there was mirrors everywhere which made me feel a little self conscious/ uncoordinated.
  • Cool! I eat most of those (and lots of greens) but I have never had Ezekiel bread. Sounds great.
  • Awesome. Thanks guys. I am trying to get to protein goals but I am a vegetarian and it can be tough. I am getting about 45 grams a day and most protein I get is from pea protein powder, eggs and tofu. I will try to think of new foods that might help.
  • The GAPS diet really appeals to me, although I am not strictly on it. This recipe blog has the best GAPS treats and meals.
  • Hi! I am Cat. I am a vegetarian grad student from New Zealand. I would love more friends.
  • Hi. I am a vegetarian grad student. Dinner/ lunch ideas: - Pumpkin soup is easy, healthy and yum. I sauté an onion and chuck in 1/2 a pumpkin chopped up and then cover with veggie stock and let it cook for a hour or so. I blend it and it ends up being really creamy. It can be frozen easily or you could just make enough for…