great commute home - 60 degrees, no wind. This makes 22 days for the month, approximately 15 miles per day.
195 and going down! 5'10"
My cycling consists almost exclusively of commuting. 13.4 miles today, both ways. The goal is five days per week. I did 19 straight days last month and the beginning of this month - worked two weekends in a row. I was gassed!
Jagi - I feel your (cold) pain. I'm in Montana. I have a dedicated winter commuter, with studded snow tires. It's an old Gary Fisher MTN bike I own that I converted to winter cycling.
Every bike I own has fenders except my mountain bike. They are a must! Yogi - I agree about the semi safe roads. The proliferation of drivers with cell phones makes me nervous.
Just hit 1,000 miles commuting since April.
Keep going! I have 30 and I've never felt more energized.
I'm trying the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. So far, so good. It makes sense to me. I am still looking for the carb "sweet spot," Mark writes about - right in the edge of keytosis.
Please add me - thank you.