ChicoKass2010 Member


  • It is absolutely essential to have a cheat day(s) or whatever you want to call them to sustain weight loss. Who wants to live never eating a chip, cookie, cake, pizza, or fried chicken again? That's a miserable existence. So whether you choose to have 1 cheat day or 2, or just 3 cheat meals a week, or small treats every…
  • Your body gains weight when you eat too many calories in one sitting. So it wont matter if you havent eaten all day, if you are eating large amounts of calories for dinner. Key is to spread out your calories during the day in 4-6 meals, cut down on bad carbs and sugar. Pasta and rice should be infrequent.
  • this is the mistake many make. So you're not going to ever eat fast food again? You want it, eat it, just keep it within your calorie and fat range. I have not given up any food in its entirety. This is supposed to be a new lifestyle not a bunch of restrictions. In moderation, ifyou used to eat fast food everyday, once a…
  • You definitely should not deprive yourself of foods you like. Treating yourself once a week wont hurt, and it allows you to adopt this as a lifestyle and not a "diet". To be healthier buy some ground turkey or lean ground beef and make a nice burger at home. Slice some potatoes, season them up and cook them in the oven in…