Gawwwd! I cant eat all this food!!



  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    While veggies are good in all, they tend to fill you up without giving you a lot of calories. Make your vegetable portions smaller and increase your protein and carb portions. Have a slice of bread with peanut butter instead of a bowl of broccoli.

    Yeh think your totally right hun, i like peanut butter on bread or toast aswell so i will get a jar in, and like you say make the veggie portions a little smaller. xx
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Wow...must be rough. :huh:

    Lol do you think 1200 cals is a small amount then?..cos it feels alot for me, and i certinally dont eat like a bird! If anything my problem is gorging late at night like some pig lol x Although pigs are cute so i shouldnt say that. but i love a big meal! x
    I would be sooo incredibly "hAngry" if I consumed 1200 cals/day- LOL. On a workout day, i can easily consume 2000 cals or more and STILL be hungry! I agree with the other poster in reference to the calorically dense foods. I think its all about forming a habit.... once you get used to adding a bit more food to your plate, it will come easier.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I have the same problem that i'm working on and have been working on since I first logged in on MFP 2 months ago (or more) I think my biggest problem is I work 3 different shifts and i'm finding it really hard to eat that much freakin food....healthy food. I only get 2 breaks when i'm on shift and when I get home i'm usually so tired I don't even wanna think about food. Half the time i'm shoving in peanut butter or cheese just so I can make my calories and go to bed. Some times I just don't care and go to bed without eating. I'm finding it takes an excuberant amount of time to plan ahead and prepare food when I should be doing other things. But i'm sticking with it for the long haul either way. There is definately a balance and I feel your pain for sure....
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    I felt similarly to you, at first.

    I used to eat one meal a day - a big meal around 5pm and then binge at night. Some days, I wasn't getting nearly enough calories, other days I was getting way too much. The first week or so on MFP was a struggle - "I have to eat *again*?! I just ate something a few hours ago!" My body was not at all used to regular food intake and my hunger signals were all messed up. I forced myself to at least meet 1200 calories and aimed to get closer to what MFP recommended. It seemed like way too much food, mostly because of the seemingly constant eating throughout the day. And, yet, I lost a significant amount of weight in those first few weeks. And, now that my body & mind are used to it, it's much less of a struggle and my hunger cues are much more in line with how they should be.

    LOl god yes thats what i have been like. I wouldnt really feel hungry through the day, and like you would start eating around 5pm ish, and continue through the night but i guess with wrong foods. And yes my hunger singnals too were totally messed up probs still are to be honest, hence why im finding it a little tough. I know what to do now though so hopefully i will be fine. See alot of my calories before would go on alcohol aswell, ..but ive totally cut my drinking which is a good thing, although weekends i will have a few :). xx
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    Wow...must be rough. :huh:

    Lol do you think 1200 cals is a small amount then?..cos it feels alot for me, and i certinally dont eat like a bird! If anything my problem is gorging late at night like some pig lol x Although pigs are cute so i shouldnt say that. but i love a big meal! x
    I would be sooo incredibly "hAngry" if I consumed 1200 cals/day- LOL. On a workout day, i can easily consume 2000 cals or more and STILL be hungry! I agree with the other poster in reference to the calorically dense foods. I think its all about forming a habit.... once you get used to adding a bit more food to your plate, it will come easier.

    Lol i know i bet when ive got used to it il be kicking myself saying i cant eat that many cals, and il be wishing for more lmfao ;) xxx
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    I have the same problem that i'm working on and have been working on since I first logged in on MFP 2 months ago (or more) I think my biggest problem is I work 3 different shifts and i'm finding it really hard to eat that much freakin food....healthy food. I only get 2 breaks when i'm on shift and when I get home i'm usually so tired I don't even wanna think about food. Half the time i'm shoving in peanut butter or cheese just so I can make my calories and go to bed. Some times I just don't care and go to bed without eating. I'm finding it takes an excuberant amount of time to plan ahead and prepare food when I should be doing other things. But i'm sticking with it for the long haul either way. There is definately a balance and I feel your pain for sure....

    Aww bless ya hun ..working shifts will make it harder etc. And yeh i think its the planning ahead isnt it?..what to eat etc. ..which is hard. I am quite lazy to be honest and il admitt that and i got into a rut of just making tea/ dinner for my son but i would just snack on crap lol! Now im having to be a good girl and eat properly lol. But like you yeh i need to do this, if i dont i will be soo unhealthy and i dont want to be overweight or feel knackered from just walking up the stairs lol! Im only in the 11 stone mark but honestly i am sooo unfit its shocking! Onwards and upwards hun hey? ;) xxxxx
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Wow...must be rough. :huh:

    Lol do you think 1200 cals is a small amount then?..cos it feels alot for me, and i certinally dont eat like a bird! If anything my problem is gorging late at night like some pig lol x Although pigs are cute so i shouldnt say that. but i love a big meal! x
    I would be sooo incredibly "hAngry" if I consumed 1200 cals/day- LOL. On a workout day, i can easily consume 2000 cals or more and STILL be hungry! I agree with the other poster in reference to the calorically dense foods. I think its all about forming a habit.... once you get used to adding a bit more food to your plate, it will come easier.

    Lol i know i bet when ive got used to it il be kicking myself saying i cant eat that many cals, and il be wishing for more lmfao ;) xxx

    :-) YES! Enjoy the extra food though! Find the healthy foods that you enjoy eating, and it won't be such a hassle to get those cals in.
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    I find it hard trying to eat 1200 calories. I never ate breakfast, all I ever had was a coffee then I would have a very small lunch with chocolates for snacks. Then at night I would have a huge meal full of calories & carbs mostly. I never really had much fruits and veggies. Now that I am eating healthy I think I am eating tons more and healthier and I find it hard to fill all my calories needs.
  • arlo1028
    arlo1028 Posts: 76 Member
    You should snack on almonds, drink some protein shake or eat a bar. Have fruit, that's calorie dense like bananas, a few apples a day, grapes, berries. all that yummy stuff lol
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    I find it hard trying to eat 1200 calories. I never ate breakfast, all I ever had was a coffee then I would have a very small lunch with chocolates for snacks. Then at night I would have a huge meal full of calories & carbs mostly. I never really had much fruits and veggies. Now that I am eating healthy I think I am eating tons more and healthier and I find it hard to fill all my calories needs.

    Its paid off though hun well done on your weight loss so far :). Im hoping ive lost weight when i weigh myself next week lol. xxx
  • trababes1971
    trababes1971 Posts: 173 Member
    You should snack on almonds, drink some protein shake or eat a bar. Have fruit, that's calorie dense like bananas, a few apples a day, grapes, berries. all that yummy stuff lol

    Now i like banana sarnies ;)..but i have to have a bit of sugar sprinkled on lol. I need to get some more fruit in i think :). xxx
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    Wow...must be rough. :huh:

    Lol do you think 1200 cals is a small amount then?..cos it feels alot for me, and i certinally dont eat like a bird! If anything my problem is gorging late at night like some pig lol x Although pigs are cute so i shouldnt say that. but i love a big meal! x

    At first I thought 1200 was alot because I was a chronic UNDER eater which was not healthy and I joined this site to help relearn how to eat properly. I've been doing well on 1200 but I've been feeling hungry even with that now So i actually just upped my calories by 100 to see what happens :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's because you aren't eating enough fat. Fat has more calories than protein or carbs. I only glanced at a few days of your diary but you are always way under your fat goal. Try adding a little olive oil to your cooking or eating some nuts and you'll see the calories shoot right up without actually eating much more food.
  • ChicoKass2010
    ChicoKass2010 Posts: 4 Member
    Your body gains weight when you eat too many calories in one sitting. So it wont matter if you havent eaten all day, if you are eating large amounts of calories for dinner. Key is to spread out your calories during the day in 4-6 meals, cut down on bad carbs and sugar. Pasta and rice should be infrequent.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Your body gains weight when you eat too many calories in one sitting. So it wont matter if you havent eaten all day, if you are eating large amounts of calories for dinner. Key is to spread out your calories during the day in 4-6 meals, cut down on bad carbs and sugar. Pasta and rice should be infrequent.

    This is 100% false, what matters is your intake for the day or week, not per meal. Timing of eating is also irrelevant.
  • SerenaRT8
    The reason it feels like a ton of food at the minimum healthy required amount to eat (1200 which is why myfitnesspal gives you that red warning at the bottom if you eat under 1200), is that you aren't fueling your metabolism. You must eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner to jump start your metabolism again (think of it like the heart paddles shocking it back to life). Once you get it going you're going to be crying that 1200 is no where near enough b/c you're hungry all the time. :-) Trust me, at 306 lbs I was never hungry. 2 1/2 years of fueling the metabolism this way and eating the right food along with exercise helped me lose 128 lbs. It really does work.
  • silvercufaoil
    I actually have the same problem. I've always been a light eater, and I tend to choose veggies or fruit when I do feel like eating. I had gotten to the point where I didn't feel hunger any more and if I didn't have kids that eat on a schedule, I could easily forget to eat. THEN, to make matters worse I was put on a gluten free diet due to having celiacs disease. I choose to not replace most things like bread, just because the cost is so exorbitant. Also, because I am a SAHM that homeschools, I hardly ever leave the house at meal times. This means I get very little in the way of processed foods.

    When I first joined MFP it wanted me to eat 1300 calories. I couldn't do it. I would eat until I felt sick, and STILL not have enough. Then, I started reading about how someone my size and activity level should really be eating around 1800!!! I am pretty sure I died inside. and then they wanted me to eat back my calories I burned exercising? o.O

    BUT Honestly, I've eaten like a bird my entire life, and all it has gotten me is 50 lbs over weight. So obviously, it isn't doing me any favors. So, for the past few weeks I've been struggling to get more calories. Yeah, I'm eating junk food sometimes and soda (which is something I never would've done before) and I feel BETTER. I feel hunger again. First time in 10 years I've had a rumbly tummy. I have energy. My brain isn't cloudy. I'm not so quick to freak out over things. I've gained weight, but I feel better and look better, so I don't really care!

    Also, I have to say that the attitude that people can't eat enough is less deserving of understanding than those that can't eat little enough is annoying and defeating to the person going through it. Think of all the people in the same boat as the OP but don't ever post or ask for help because of all the people out there who will roll their eyes and say "oh I bet that is SOOO hard."

    It IS hard. My husband watches me stuff my face day in and out and find out that I have 400 calories left over at 9pm. I measure every little thing I eat and it all gets counted. He has told me that it is obvious to him how hard this is for me. I watch my friends struggle to eat less, and I feel for them. I want them to do well. I don't belittle their struggle, and it is really insulting to have people on the same path to weightloss and wellness do it to me.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I am going through a retraining process as well. The last 7 weeks have been pretty much healthy stuff, with a few exceptions of a splurge here and there. Easter I had a "normal" meal, ham, scalloped potatoes, etc....and instead of feeling satisfied, I literally felt ill. It took all night, and most of the next day to recover from my food hangover. I got right back at it Monday, eating breakfast, (which my stomach was strongly objecting to) and by Monday afternoon, I was feeling much better. I guess my retraining has trained my stomach to rebel at rich foods. I was truly so miserable, that I probably won't be indulging anytime soon.

    Stupid as it may sound, it's a bit of a victory for me.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Your body gains weight when you eat too many calories in one sitting. So it wont matter if you havent eaten all day, if you are eating large amounts of calories for dinner. Key is to spread out your calories during the day in 4-6 meals, cut down on bad carbs and sugar. Pasta and rice should be infrequent.

    This is 100% false, what matters is your intake for the day or week, not per meal. Timing of eating is also irrelevant.

    ok, i have a question then....I totally crapped out on my calories yesterday. I got home from work at 12:30 pm and was totally NOT hungry, but probably cause I was really I just went to bed. Soooooo in your opinion, can I make up those calories today with no ill effects in regards to weightloss....or health for that matter. Will my body care if I even make them up today??
  • KStewart1979
    Have you ever tried the Vi-Shape Shakes? VERY GOOD FOR YOU...Protein has 12 grams in 2 scoops. 7 carbs, less than 1 gr of sugar, 5 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat. Water intake is very important as well along with your snack in between.