DustysMomma Member


  • My loss has been slow, and yes, I fall off the wagon and go a day or two without counting. I allow myself that day every now and then while still maintaining control and just not having everything I want in one day. I have had a few days recently where I was really smart about my calories and was 200-300 below, and…
  • Congratulations! I hope you did something special for yourself as a reward (massage, girl time or date night, or maybe that special outfit you've had your eye on!) I have over 100 lbs to loose as well. I'm scared I'll never see my goal with my health issues though. But you're living proof that this works if you're…
  • I'm in the same boat, as I work full time and go to school full time. Add to that the fact that I live in an area where it gets too hot and humid to breathe and this time of year sounds like the worst time to start a diet, but there is no "good time"! Start out by setting a goal weight and loosing pace and just keeping up…
    in Help Comment by DustysMomma July 2011