
pennysob Posts: 59 Member
I work 10 to 12 hours a day and just can't find the power within me to start loss weight...need support to help me to get a kick start


  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    If you can't find the power within yourself, maybe you're not ready yet. When you are ready, though, you'll find support, guidance, and tips here. Good luck!
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    The best tip for you is to start your day with 30 minutes dedicated to YOU! So get out of bed 30 minutes earlier tomorrow and get to walk for 30 minutes.

    Eat a solid breakfast before work (4:1 ratio of carbs/protein) and you'll see that after a few weeks of doing this your energy levels are completely and forever changed, increase the time/intensity when you feel ready for it and you're on your way.

    Good Luck
  • maikikuchi
    maikikuchi Posts: 13
    You could start out with fixing your meals and walking to places that are in walking distance ! I find that most of the time for me is I'm too lazy haha :P
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
    YOU are the only one who can do it. Nobody else can. We are here to help you and support you as best we can. MFP is a tool. It will help you become more aware of what you are eating if you are honest and log faithfully. That is a start. We have all been where you are. Some days it just isn't worth it, we feel. Then we log on and realize our "family" is behind us. Watch your calories and do little things for exercise. Park a little further away, dance while getting ready, stairs instead of elevators, every little thing counts. Pace while on phone, throw in a jumping jack or two somewhere. You CAN do this, but YOU have to want it and work it. We are here.
  • DustysMomma
    DustysMomma Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same boat, as I work full time and go to school full time. Add to that the fact that I live in an area where it gets too hot and humid to breathe and this time of year sounds like the worst time to start a diet, but there is no "good time"! Start out by setting a goal weight and loosing pace and just keeping up with your calories. That by itself is a eye-opening experience. Then you start to think about what's worth eating and what's not, and making it a bit of a game to stay below calories. That's how I've started, and even though I haven't lost much yet, I'm seeing what the bad habits are for me that put me over, and what surprising good combinations I can have and still not go over. Food-wise, if you're able, start having fresh veggies and small low-cal frozen dinners for when you can't cook. The small portions force you to cut your consumption, you can see the nutritional information and scan every meal, and having the veggies makes it easy to snack healthy if you get hungry in between.

    It also helps to share your goal with someone. An accountability partner who isn't afraid to help you push yourself can be a vital asset when you get discouraged.
  • ecmcnamee
    ecmcnamee Posts: 317 Member
    If you want to do it, you will find the time. I get up at 4:45 a.m. every morning and get an hour workout in. I frequently get cardio in at night as well. I manage a busy law office and I have 3 kids (ages 12, 7 and 4) and am running with them out of the house 4 nights a week (my husband has shift hours so frequently isn't around at night). It's not easy but if YOU WANT it, YOU will find the time to do it. Get up a little earlier and find that time for YOURSELF. YOU are worth it. Good luck!