

  • Thank you all for your replies. I'll answer a few of your questions: Kimber -- How much I have to lose depends on who you ask. According to charts if I lost 8-10 lbs. I would no longer be considered overweight; but my "ideal" weight (according to charts) is about 30 lbs. "south" of here. Of course, my standards are more…
  • I’m sure other people (especially women) have a similar experience. I've averaged about 1250 net calories per day (after eating my exercise calories) and I only maintain my current weight. Many say that means I need to eat more calories. When I increase my calories I gain weight very quickly. (One weight-loss diet I…
  • Another vote for the Firm. I was a gym rat for years but had to quit when I had my first baby. I was worried I couldn't get an intense workout from home video/DVDs. The Firm proved me wrong and I've been grateful ever since. (The older ones are really tough.) I've tried lots of other videos but end up giving most of the…
  • I've eaten raw food "diets" and, in general, feel really good when I do. My only problem was (what I call) muscle fatigue. I'm thinking maybe I just needed more protein. So I plan to start (resume) tomorrow eating mostly raw fruits and veggies but add cooked fish and eggs. Now, if I could just stay away from the food the…