

  • Age: 30 Height: 5'2 Weight: 173 Goal: 125 Any twin out there for me??
  • Congrats! That's great!!
  • Maybe I need to exercise more! I only burnt 2,813 this past week :grumble:
  • Hi there! I have chronic insomnia. I am worried about how it will affect my weight loss as well. I quit taking medication for it about 6 months ago because I can't stand having to take a pill every single night, and truthfully they don't work that well anyway. I probably average about 3-4 hours of sleep a night. To be…
  • If I get a craving like that I will go ahead and have it, but only a small portion of it... So maybe if you want that bagel just have half. If you cut your portion sizes down that will help, and eventually you will figure out the foods that you can have more of versus the "bad" stuff, lol. Start with little changes and…
    in I suck Comment by justcraziness May 2011
  • I love the Your Shape with Kinect! There are so many things you can do to switch up your routine, and you can download extra games with microsoft points also. I like the cardio boxing once you get it on a high enough level to move faster.