

  • Go girl!
    in Gym Rant Comment by lisakchurch May 2011
  • CPT is certified personal trainer. The best certification is on a National level and the most respected certs are from ACSM, and ACE. When choosing a personal trainer you should make sure that they have experience with nutrition. Each PT has a specialty, the more specialties you have the more able you are to get a client…
  • BTW...I now own my own didn't really "leave" the industry!
  • I have been a personal trainer for 5 years and a group fitness instructor for 7. The most prestigious PT cert is through ACSM but it is a really tough test! The second is ACE which also requires a lot of study (months) There are others that aren't as tedious, NASM is there are many weekend courses that give a…
  • Make yourself eat all the food you need to get your metabolism in a fat burning mode. It is hard sometimes but just like excercise, sometimes you just have to make yourself do it. After a couple weeks you will start being hungry for your meals! When this happens it is good because it means your metabolism has picked up!…