

  • Sometimes if we are the kind of women that through our whole married life talk about "this new diet" or "this new program" or we complain about our body stature and we've been on a gazillion diets and have fallen off the wagon, our partners get annoyed with us when we are all excited about our new life style plan. It's…
  • Everything I've eaten today has been packed with nutrition. I'm not sure what is going on. It could have something to do with caffein as I have my fair share. :) Thanks for the advice.
    in light headed Comment by pougy May 2011
  • I swiched to 1300 cals b/c that is what this program told me to do. I am diabetic and trying to loose 10 lbs to get my sugars down - Dr. recommened. Maybe my sugars have dropped considerably and that is why I'm feeling light headed. I just don't want my kids to find me passed out on the floor.
    in light headed Comment by pougy May 2011
  • I was thinking next time I'd just cut it in half long way and pretend I was getting away with a nice treat.:wink: And I just skip the bun.
    in bratworst Comment by pougy May 2011
  • How Great. Thanks for the inspiration. Mayo will get you every time.:smile: