

  • My wife and I usually have coffee around 8 sometimes. It satisfies that need to have something without having a lot of calories. Obviously if you're the type that can't fall asleep due to the caffeine, this may not work for you.
  • Insanity really does perfect then. You definitely lose weight while toning your muscles. It is incredibly challenging too. If it's any indication, even the people on the videos struggle during the workouts.
  • Can anyone talk about what they eat (if anything) right away. I have Clif bars on hand, that would seem to do the trick for me. Don't want to bonk, so if anyone has recommendations, would love to hear it.
  • One thing about shoes for P90X (and Insanity for that matter), I don't know if it's been said, but I have found that running shoes are not the proper shoes to be wearing for these exercises. I have liked using cross-training shoes infinitely better as the support your foot better on side to side movement.
  • The first month exercises range from about 35 to 45 minutes. The 2nd month run about 45 to an hour.
  • I would say it depends on how many calories you're burning. If you're doing a moderate workout, I would think that another one later would be okay. If you're burning 500 to 1000 calories in your workout, I'd call it a day at that.
  • article here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/24/health/webmd/main1342839.shtml
  • Guess I better start drinking chocolate milk instead: "In the study, nine male cyclists rode until their muscles were depleted of energy, then rested four hours and biked again until exhaustion. During the rest period, the cyclists drank low-fat chocolate milk, Gatorade, or Endurox R4. During a second round of exercise,…
  • I use Endurox which is sold at GNC and believe it's comparable. It uses the same 4:1 carb to protein ratio.
  • I was disappointed to find out that the one I use and almost all of them use artificial sweeteners. After I'm done with my current brand, I'm switching to Optimum Nutrition Natural. Here's where I've found it for the lowest price.…
  • Did 5 miles today. It's what I thought I could finish with no knee pain and I was right. I'll have to get inserts this weekend for my knees, I think I'm just adding too much distance too fast. On the positive side, my pace was really quicker today than it's ever been. I thought I was going to burn out faster, but I think…
  • Half-marathoner here too.....May 2nd Pittsburgh...w00t!!!! Anyways, I've been having trouble with runner's knee. I was supposed to run 8.5 on Sunday and had to pull up at 6.5. I've heard orthotics help, has anyone had success with these?
  • Good luck! You will find lots of support and motivation here!
  • Hi Stargirl, welcome! You'll find lots of motivation and support here.
  • Love this thread, I needed it today as I was feeling like I was hitting a bit of a mental wall. And just to join in, I love starting to see some abs!
  • Congrats! Awesome job!
  • I do P90X and Insanity, both from Beachbody. I'm on my 3rd month of the 90 day program with P90X and still struggle through the DVD's (I wasn't in the best shape before). They're not for beginners (well, they can be, you just can't get frustrated and have to learn to modify) and they require "extreme" motivation to keep…
  • Spot-toning or spot fat removal is really a myth. Cardio is ultimately the best fat burner. You may want to try to up the intensity of your cardio. From your post though, I would overall recommend a little bit of weight training as well. Nothing burns fat like adding lean muscle. There's lots of good advice for programs to…
  • Good job! That's what being healthy is all about, allowing ourselves to make mistakes but dusting ourselves off and staying at it.
    in Serious Comment by Karna6e March 2010
  • My workouts are all messed up to. I've had to start training for a half-marathon, plus I got Insanity as well so I've been sprinkling that in as well. I've decided I'm going to start week 3 of the last month on Saturday though.....just a little bit more!!!!
  • I would say adjust as needed then. You can scale back your portions some just make sure you're giving your body the fuel it needs for your strength training. You'll need enough protein to build muscle and enough calories on top of your BMR calories. There's always an option of doing protein shakes to add in some calories…
  • What sort of exercise plan are you on? If any? The BMR calculator should give you a good estimate of calories per day you need, with some additional calories subtracted so you would lose 1 to 2 lbs per week. If you're only lightly active I would think you could subtract a few more calories.
  • Same here on Yoga X. I try to psych myself up for it, but at an hour and a half, it's just too much. I saw the same reaction on the Beachbody forum as well. A lot of people over there suggested doing up until the 43 minute mark one week, and then finishing it the next week. Now that I'm training for a half-marathon, I…
  • You can order them off of Amazon too.
  • Ew nice call. I have one too. Just going to put a piece of Saran wrap on it though :laugh:
  • I don't know how much you'll lose, but I think 5 pounds in the 1st phase would be reasonable, but you could start to put weight back on in the form of muscle mass.
  • I agree. In my opinion, excessive calories for deficits are for people on the highly active side. When I counted myself as light active, I didn't feel the need for additional calories because there's usually not a chance of "bonking" or having low energy throughout the day.
  • I'd say you need about a 6'x4' area. That should cover you for 95% of the exercises. You also need to choose whether you will get a pull-up bar or resistance bands. The pull-up bar goes in a doorway and the resistance bands need to be tethered to something secure. The Kempo and Plyometrics DVD can take up the most room…
  • I'm a big fan of P90X too, but I do admit, the first time I tried to do it I did quit after 2 weeks. At the time I was going back to school and it was hard to fit that time commitment into my work and school schedule. Now that I'm out though, I'm totally committed and am loving the results. Good luck!
  • I don't have any experience with Power 90 but I have heard some recommend completing that before moving on to P90X. I jumped right into P90X and just did the best I could through the DVD's. I think a lot of people that have gone through P90X would just tell you to modify and work at your own pace.