

  • Hi i'm taking the stronger version from the doctor called Xenical it teaches u not too eat more than 15grams of fat per meal or u have the tango effect, i've been on this Feburary and ive lost 4 stone so it does work its all about teaching yourself not to eat too much fat.
  • I dont like the cross trainer i tried it a few times, i will try the ball thing though that sounds a good idea. I've got a weigh in at the docs Monday so i will mention it then as well u never know wot they might say i did try an abs machine but it just seems to be toning the muscle not getting rid of the flab. Thank you…
  • I can't do the running as my knees are shot, I think it is fat mbut for the past 2 months ive not lost a thing, so ive upped my time on my exercise bike i do an hour now