flabby belly

Hi could anyone please answer how can i get rid of my flabby belly which is the best way.


  • StarryEyedGirl
    running has helped me. I see a difference already!
  • tez8
    tez8 Posts: 5
    I can't do the running as my knees are shot, I think it is fat mbut for the past 2 months ive not lost a thing, so ive upped my time on my exercise bike i do an hour now
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    I have bad knees too. I bought an elliptical and it's a great no impact workout.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    This is an excercise that the Physical Therapist has me doing...just one of them. Go to a discount store and buy a cheap rubber ball. (8-10 inches) Lay down on your back with knees up. Put the ball between your legs and squeeze. While squeezing flatten your spine to the floor(or mat, rug etc..) hold for a count of 5 and then relax. If you will tighten your muscles in the back and tummy this will strengthen your tummy muscles and your back. It actually helps back pain and will help the flabbiness in your tummy. do in reps of 10.
    At 54, I need all the help I can get.

    Good luck!
  • tez8
    tez8 Posts: 5
    I dont like the cross trainer i tried it a few times, i will try the ball thing though that sounds a good idea. I've got a weigh in at the docs Monday so i will mention it then as well u never know wot they might say i did try an abs machine but it just seems to be toning the muscle not getting rid of the flab. Thank you all for replying.