First off, I think the REAL question is not "Is it worth it" but "Are YOU worth it?" So...are you? I would think that absolutely you ARE. EVERYONE lacks motivation...let's face it, people are overworked and exhausted. That is why obesity and "laziness" have swept over our country...our WORLD really...people run themselves…
LOL @ previous poster... Do you belong to a gym? that's kindda a given then, cause the indoor workouts are limitless there... But if you're talking about just some at home workouts....Try boxing! :-) You can put a stand up boxing post in your garage or spare room...all you'll need is a jump rope and some gloves... Start…
A really good PRE workout snack is 1 piece of whole wheat bread (check the label), and 1 Tbsp all natural peanut butter (like Smuckers). Maybe even 1/2 a banana in it about 2 hrs before your workout... The nuts, I'd wait and have them AFTER...they have a lot of good protein in them to help with building muscle…
Thanks so much y'all!!! The info def helps me to feel better about it... Yes, I'm keeping my O's. haha And i'm 34. I have 3 I had 4 pregnancies, 3 births. It's time to let the ol "U" go...I have adneonmyosis, so it's got to come out. :-( I appreciate all the advice and help...especially the part about…
I forgot to say, she did say WALKING is ok...but that's about fact, I know I should walk anyway, to avoid blood clots, but what about a good hard workout??? I really have to wait that long??? :-( Help please!
Def. do cardio AND weights! :-) I'm working on triceps too...I'm FINALLY seeing a little change, after about a month of doing triceps presses and push ups, em 2-3 times a week and you'll def. start to see the about 3 sets of 15 reps, then increase the weight every other workout or so for faster…
I didn't include my body fat we supposed to? It's 19% as of 2 weeks ago...but I get measured again tomorrow, so hoping for a 17%...we will see. ;-)
I'm 5'5", 162 pounds last I checked, and in a size 10. Goal is to be 140 in a 6/8. :-)
The thing with Protein bars is the SUGAR...Check the carbs and sugar content on the bars. Also, look for one HIGH in protein and LOW in the carbs...You want to keep the carbs UNDER 10 grams per seving and the protein needs to be above 10-15 or more. :-) If the sugar is over 3 grams, it's too much. You're better off using a…
Y'all are AWESOME! All of you! :-) Thank you SO much to each and every one of y'all for your PICS, your advice, your thoughts...I loved it.... I think the waiting a year or so is wise...I'm not 100% sure I'll do it, but only because of one reason....I'm kind of in a "hurry" and the reason why is this...…
WOW! I really like this...You have def. given me alot to think about when you mention your children. The worst case is what scares me the most....:-( Thank you for being so honest!
Are you weight lifting at all??? If you do, then you WILL gain, or not seen much of a change on the scale sometimes. It's just from adding muscle. :-) I'm doing weights 3 times a week and this week is the first week I have not lost. It stayed right where it was. ARGH! Frustrating, but I know that the weightlifting doesn't…
WOW! You look fantastic!! WTG!!! :-) I've gotta'd you get the pics on here? I'd love to add some before and after pics...GREAT job!
This is a great question! I'd love to know that myself. :-) I'm 5'5 " and currently in a size 10/12, depends on the jeans. I have always envied those tiny ;-) I have to say...I honestly think it's all in how you're built...I could weight 100 pounds and my hips STILL wouldn't fit in a size 2, like my best friend…
You made me LOL :-) I needed that! :-) haha Love it!
After losing over 100 pounds, I can DEF tell you that's one of the FIRST things to 'go" LOL Sad, but true. It's because of course, that breasts are mainly made up of fat to begin with, so it burns there first. With me personally, I am having to see a plastic surgeon, for skin removal and help with the girls. ha The only…
YUP! me too! I tried jogging, etc, but I feel like I just can hardly move sometimes...UGH...I also eat like a PIG that week before...and I crave sweets and carbs...go figure. I workout anyway, but it's def. not my "best" workouts...LOL
Honestly? SLOW workouts burn more FAT. "Faster" workouts are better for cardio/your heart....if you want to burn more fat, try a moderate workout for longer build endurance and to work your heart, try a tough workout in a shorter time, like 30-40 min. Also, make sure you're doing weight lifting!!! :-) The more…
Watch what you're eating VERY closely...Belly fat (which I still have plenty of) is the LAST to it hip/thigh fat...we tend to hold onto that fat till the LAST. Fun huh? lol ;) But belly fat is almost 90%'s what you're eating... How are you dong with breads, sugar and dairy? Try eating less of those…
LOL!! I'm laughing cause I said the SAME THING when that happened to me!!!! :-) Love it! Congrats look amazing and you're doing an awesome job!!
One of my favorites is yoplait light yogurt with slivered almonds....or natural peanut butter on banana, or on 2 graham crackers...Also, I LOVE triscuits and a piece of light mozz string cheese. :-) YUM...Oh and one with peanut butter on it. SOOOO GOOD.