

  • Hi cjcooper04! Congrats on your work so far! I'm completing P90X for my wedding too! I started my program on Wednesday and have lost 1 pound so far, I'm sure that is a combination of water weight and reducing my daily calorie intake. I also try to complete some extra cardio with my vizsla (Penny) during the morning. Good…
  • I have a question for office has a cafeteria...the cafe has a salad bar, which I love!! The only scale is how much the entire salad weighs, so I'm not sure how many calories to log...I usually try to keep my salad to about .5 pound (if that), thoughts?
  • lmp176 - Yoga is definitely tough, after you go through it a few times, listening will be enough to complete each exercise. The movements are so tough for me! After 25 minutes into the program, I roll my eyes at each vinyasa (sp?), but I push through what I can do and try to do better each time. Repetition is key! You can…
  • All very good suggestions! I have a food saver and don't think I use it enough for food preparation. I mostly use it to seal my brown suger (so it doesn't get stale) and to freeze meats. Now that is getting near to be fall, I will definitely be making lots of healthy soups, like turkey chili, and freeze them in portions.…
  • Woohoo! I feel great and am down 1 pound!
  • This is all very good feedback! I really appreciate the comments. Any thoughts on how to manage a good meal plan with limited time? I have a crazy busy schedule and find it hard to find time to make a good breakfast and lunch prepared. Thanks again for your candid feedback.
  • Roballesteros, I felt the same way about ARX, but in time you will be surprised by your ability to push yourself. Everytime I work out I work to take my workout to the next level. I believe in you!
  • Yeah, I think for me it's the defined diet. I need that definition of what to eat, otherwise, I will just eat whatever my tummy tells me I'm hungry for. It's tough because I grew up in a traditional chinese household where (very similar to the Italian culture), we build relationships with our family at the table. The thing…
  • Yoga tonight! P90X yoga is not for the weak! I think my favorite is the posing. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!
  • How do you use a heart rate monitor to calculate the number of calories burned? I have a heart rate monitor, but have never used it to track how many calories I burned.
  • Hi Everyone! Finished my day 1 of my lean p90x program. I feel pretty good. I struggled with my Ab Ripper exercises, but I imagine I will be able to do more reps as I progress through the program. How are you logging your workouts on MFP?
  • Hi Everyone! Starting my program tomorrow. My guests are leaving early so I will start tomorrow. I am ready to bring it!!! I'll be doing the lean program. Hoo-ah!! MWGirl
  • Turns out I won't be able to start my program until September 7th. We have guests coming into town. It will be tough doing the workouts while they are in the house.
  • Thanks for ur reply Wendy! Do u dress up ur celery? What abt baby carrots? Does anyone do the p90x diet?
  • Count me in! I am getting married some time next year. We are eloping to do a destination wedding. I want to be in shape for me and for the nuptuals! This is my second round on the lean program. I think dieting is the hardest part. I eat when I am bored and right when I get home from work. Any suggestions to control these…