bobisagirl Member


  • As far as fast food goes, subway is definitely the best. I like to have a veggie delite wrap with honey mustard sauce (no salt, no cheese). Only around 250 calories and very tasty!
  • Being single rules! My faves are: Playing the field. Being able to have a great night with your girl friends with no responsibilities. Not feeling like you have to set a standard. Not having to shave my legs/lady bits. Having loads of male friends with no questions asked about it.
  • I friking lol'd. Good point. When I went for my induction at the gym, I was calculated to be at a higher risk of a heart attack than the 45+ year old lady who was also being inducted (I'm 20). Smoker, drinker, fatty. The holy trinity of DEATH. Yeah that was embarrassing.
  • If i could add boys from the age of 14 to 17 to that, I would totally agree. And girls. Nasty experiences abound, from being compared to miss piggy (how original!) to having my *kitten* whacked/prodded with pool cues. My mum has been trying to make me lose weight since i was 7 and recently offered gastric band surgery. All…
  • This page is super-helpful But yeah I'd suggest more exercise judging from what you've said. Strength training is suprisingly rewarding, and helps you lose inches more than weight as you tone down.
  • No way! Swimming is great at toning, and you were still under your calorie goal! Don't give up, we all have little setbacks, but it'll get easier!
  • Add: Carbs are the easiest thing to eat at evening and tea-times, but have a look all over the web for low-carb, tasty meals, i guarantee you'll find plenty of ideas. You could: Eat lentils, chickpeas or beans with stews and curries instead of rice or potatoes. Roast vegetables such as carrots, parsnips and all sorts…
  • Keep calm! Remember these are all guidelines, and it's likely you were craving carbs cuz of all that exercise. I totally get how it's frustrating as well, time and time again I go over my carb limit! However, I'm pretty sure I can see some (possible) problem things. 1. Your snacks are biscuits! you naughty minx! It's such…
  • OOoo fairly low-cal cake. GENIUS.
  • That's incredible!
  • I haven't yet reached a plateau (thank heaven) but I've been reading up on what to do when it eventually happens. Upping your calorie intake may help as suggested, and if you start to gain you could try doing more exercise to balance it out. I stopped losing any weight for about 2 weeks at one point, and guessed it was due…
  • Great topic! Alcohol is definitely my biggest downfall. For other girls it's chocolate but man, I see a nice cold, foamy beer and the temptation is insane. I have cut a major amount of alcohol out of my diet though, but sometimes I'll go out with friends and have one or two. The calorie content of alcohol never ceases to…