bikerchick2 Member


  • Thanks for sharing this method. I'm going to try it tonight. I will probably use decaf green tea with mint and a little stevia. So refreshing during this hot weather. By the way, they sell a pricy glass pitcher thats designed to make ice tea this way.... It works kind of like a coffee press. I was wondering if you could do…
  • Thanks everyone, for the advice and information. Divens, I'm not opposed to protein at all. I just avoid animal products for the most part. My sources of protein include soy milk (every day), tofu (several x / week), beans (several x/week), meat "analogues" (like veggie meatballs & quorn) from the produce & freezer…
  • One of my doctors, an MD told me about it. She mentioned that she uses it, she just had a baby & is trying to lose the baby weight. I was using another on-line calorie counter (affiliatied with a popular womens magazine) & I mentioned it to her. I'm so glad she told me about MFP, it's so much better than the one I was…
  • Don't be disappointed - 22% is amazing. Body Fat % is important to know if you do weight training because muscle weighs more than fat & a person that weight trains may tend to weigh more even though they don't have a lot of body fat. I had body fat % done years ago, on a regular basis. It helped me to lose weight &…
  • Cybex makes all kinds of equipment, including cardio & strength training. My guess would be that you used their Arc Trainer, which is neither an elliptical or a stepper. Go to to see the Arc Trainer & all the other Cybex equips.
    in Cybex? Comment by bikerchick2 July 2011
  • You don't have to buy a set. You could start out with a pair of 5 lb weights and use then to get started with bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, upright rows, squats, lunges, etc. Then as you progress you could buy a set of 8 lb weights. I personallly think 2 lb weights are too light and only usefull for rehab exercises.
  • i do planks and i usually include the calorie burn as part of my sit up or stretching calorie calculation. Try googling it. I found a more specific answer here: You are probably only going to burn about 10 cals/minute but by all means count if it…
    in Planks Comment by bikerchick2 July 2011
  • I'd love to join too. I'd like to loose 10 Lbs in July and another 10 in August but I need the support of this group! Highest weight in 2011: 170 Current Weight: 163 Goal weight 7/1/11: 150 Goal weight 8/201:: 140 for vacation to Nantucket Ultimate goal weight : 130 Good luck everyone!!!
  • I used to feel like this when I was new to the gym and didn't know anyone there. Give yourself some time, you'll meet people there and make some friends. If they have them at your gym, group fitnesses classes are a great way to get to know people. Just remember this may take some time. Actullally, having a fitness buddy…
  • Thanks! You are an inspiration & looks like you are almost there!
  • I also weigh in on a daily basis, using a digital scale, because my weight fluctuates so much. It can go up and down by as much as 2-3 lbs / day. So I figure if i'm only weighing in 1x/week, I would be devestated if my weight didn't go down, but it was really one of those weird fluctuations.
  • Worth reading if you're still drinking diet soda. I gave up soda years ago, after realizing how bad any kind of soda is for you, and switched to water & tea. Now my beverage of choice is green tea (in additon to 8+ glasses of H20/day). Rory Freedman, author of the "Skinny *****" books, calls soda (diet & regular) "liquid…
  • Are you weighing & measuring all your food? Instead of estimating the quantity? For me, that makes a huge difference.