
  • Hi, how tall are you? It sounds like you and I are about on the same page. This is my 3rd return to this website and it is amazing! I wish I could get over my on again off again weight and exercise band wagon. This site is very helpfull and I'm hoping to stay with it much longer this time. You have done wonderful and I am…
  • Congratulation Kelly! glad you had a great time at your reunion. You lool amazing in the picture! Mary Jo
    in 20 yr reunion Comment by MJV40 July 2008
  • You have some great ideas. I'm going to have to try the hot tea. Night time is my biggest weakness. Thanks:smile:
  • Just be assured there are a lot of us just like you out there! I totaly understand what you are going threw. I am an emotional eater to and it is truely a struggle. Just keep telling yourself " it won't always be like this!". Just don't give up on yourself you can do it! I have to tell myself every day is a new start. Good…
  • :laugh: okay, you made me laugh!! How about "not the sharpest knife in the drawer" or "a few bricks short of a load"
  • :laugh: okay, you made me laugh!! How about "not the sharpest knife in the drawer" or "a few bricks short of a load"
  • I am Mary Jo and I have just started today. I am hoping that with this web site I can make myself more accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise. I have tried everything and maybe jumping into the 21st century and using the internet will help me reach my goals! :happy:
    in Hello Comment by MJV40 July 2008
  • Hello! I have also just started today. I just found this site and thought "This just might work!" Good Luck to you and maybe we can help each other out!:happy: