freedsgirl Member


  • THANK. YOU. I've been saying this for years. Also, I'm still trying to figure out how someone on welfare was able to afford invetro fertilization to come up with 8 kids. that stuff's expensive!!!
  • deff up your calories. what you are eating is borderline starvation. you want your calories to be just above your bmr, which can be found under tools. my guess, at your height, is that its a hundred or three above 1200. (p.s. that was to the original poster....just cant figure out how to delete this post so i'll just edit…
  • Also, sometimes it's important to go over your calories for a day or so to shock your metabolism. Sometimes that helps get over a plateau, or so I've heard.
  • I have the same problem. I've been scared of that side of the gym for a while, and I still don't use a machine unless I've used it before or seen someone use it right before me. Some gyms have people that can give you a tour of the weight machines to help. Also, you could look up videos of the machines when you're at home.…
  • I have a lot of reasons why I want to lose weight....on the surface, my weight is unattractive. Underneath that, it's unhealthy, and it's frustrating being winded by climbing a set of stairs. I know the lifestyle I live right now is not healthy, and I KNOW I can BE healthy, so that's what I want to do. I want to start…
  • I'd love to have some friends on here. I dont have any yet and I looked at my message box and it said I didn't have any.....nothing like having no friends to bring you down HAHAHA. I'm here if you need motivation. I have lots of good ideas, but lack the willpower to see them through. Hoping I can help you and you can help…
  • What I've been doing to make sure I don't overeat is to overestimate my intake and underestimate my exercise. For example, most of my exercise is walking, so i keep the treadmill somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5 for the majority of my walk. However, in MFP i enter it as slow/moderate pace, 2.0 mph. I know im underestimating…