traciz78 Member


  • Who was in Meet the Fockers with Dustin Hoffman
  • I haven't ever had issues with blood pressure before, always been good even though I'm obese. However, I haven't checked it in awhile, and the last 2 weeks, throughout the day, my face will turn blood red and burn like nobody's business. Thanks for the suggestions, here. I will check my blood pressure for starters. I…
  • Thanks. I have not seen a doctor......probably a good idea. :( It only hurts when I work out or do major walking.
  • Wow....Everything you have written seems to come out of my life. You are definitely an inspiration. I have fought this weight since I was a small child. I started getting "chubby" at the age of 5. My sister was born chubby and slimmed down by the age of 3 and stayed that way. Fair? No. Did it cause me to secretly sneak…
  • Did I do that or did you do that? LOL, I don't know how it got there, but thank you!
  • Amazing! Am I misunderstanding that you didn't do this by working out or are you saying that you just don't work out now? I have a long way to go and you are quite an inspiration here! I, too, look basically like your before pic. Good luck with insanity!
  • Thank you for the feedback! I think that the white flour thing is just what I've collected from conversations and "advice" from friends and family trying to help me.
  • I have been told that it doesn't really matter. What matters is burning the amount of calories you consume. What matters is WHAT you eat and how much of it. We usually do a hard walk/jog/workout in the early morning, and then a leisurely walk after dinner. But, I don't know what the health experts or nutritionalists say…
  • Thank you for all of the positive feedback! I am doing better this time around. I'm learning better ways to eat and I am not depriving myself of ALL of my favorite foods. I feel great and my kids are really supportive. They are eating the healthier foods with me, thank goodness!! I didn't think I would be able to find the…