TheSoupMan Member


  • 1-2 is probably the sweet spot. I took off 8 while on vacation this summer. My cardio was fine (actually felt refreshed), but my legs were sore for most of the following week once I started back up.
  • I had a discussion one time with my doctor about comments like this. His response was that we are a fat society and people aren't used to seeing others at healthy weights, so they look abnormal.
  • The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss scratched that itch nicely for me after finishing Dance. It's a trilogy, but only two of the three have been released (The Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear). I told myself I wouldn't be getting into unfinished series in the future thanks to GRRM, but it sucked me in.
  • 11/22/63 is one of King's best in a long, long time. The character development is excellent.
  • Just finishing the Steve Jobs bio and my preorder of Hank Haney's (Tiger's old coach through the glory years) book on Tiger Woods hit the Kindle this morning.