amaliasmom Member


  • We just recently bought an elliptical. I don't find it quite as boring as a treadmill or a bike. I also like that it burns a larger amount of calories. We didn't spend a large amount of money either. We got one that was $189 before tax. It seems to work just fine and doesn't take up too much space.
  • I still need to lose 67 pounds. My goal is by the end of this year. I'll be glad to support you and vice versa. Sent you a friend request.
  • I like the Fiber One bars that are 90 calories. It feels almost like eating candy,but it fills you up for a while.
  • 148.2 + 12= 160.2
  • You can't do this one quite yet since your baby is not old enough,but once they do get a little bigger you can put them in a bike trailer or on a bike seat. I pull both of my kids in a bike trailer behind's a killer workout. When I just had one child I used to have her on a bike seat behind me...she really loved…
  • I'm not a bride to be...but I'll definitely help support you in your weight loss journey. Sending you a friend request. By the way...congrats on your upcoming marriage!
  • You probably are losing inches. I've only lost about 10 pounds and I can already see a noticeable difference,because I've lost several inches. My clothes also seem to be quite a bit looser. I measure my neck, waist, hips and bust. I know that some people also measure arms, thighs and that sort of thing. So I guess you can…
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. I don't get very much time to myself to exercise. Seems like someone is always hanging on me. I've just recently started back on MFP and have lost 11 pounds from my all time high. I have 69 more to lose to get to my goal weight. I'll send you a friend…
  • I'm in Kansas City, MO. In the Northland...near Liberty.
  • Count me in...I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. I've gained 20 pounds since I had my little one. My ultimate goal is 80 pounds-I'm already down 11 from my all time high. Only 69 more to go! My husband just bought me an elliptical trainer and that has definitely come in handy,but I can really use some support.
  • I don't think that age really matters in the long run. As long as you are on the same page about what you want out of life in the future. My husband is 8 years older than me-and that seems to be working out pretty well!
  • okay, here are my goals. Kick the soda habit! This one is killing me,but I am slowly but surely getting there. Eat more veggies. Work out 4 -5 days a week,even if it's just taking a walk with the stroller. That's all I've got for now.
  • I would like to join. I am 25 years old and just had my first baby,a girl. She's 4 months old now. I work full time as an insurance adjustor. My husband is also in insurance. We work opposite hours so that we can save money on child care. I was on bed rest for a lot of my pregnancy and gained a LOT of weight. I need to…