Halld9 Member


  • I have PCOS. There are several things that help with it. Weight is key. To manage weight exercise, eating right (more protein than carbs) and some medications are the way to go. I had surgery in March for it and endometrIosis, feel a hundred and ten percent better. For years I had excused the constant pain to PCOS. Looking…
  • I have had PCOS for more years than I care to remember. It is a very frustrating disease that few understand or able to relate to unless they have it. For those of you who hope to have children let me offer words of encouragement. I have two beautiful girls, a sixteen and twelve year old. Both daughters were conceived…
    in PCOS Comment by Halld9 July 2011
  • Instant oatmeal and fruit is a great option. I keep a box of instant oatmeal at the office. I make it with water not milk.
  • Order the size you are now. It is a lot easier to take a dress in than let it out. It is very hard and expensive to add material to a dress.
  • Is there anything that can be done about carrying all your weight in your stomach? I know it is part of PCOS, but it would be nice to have a flat stomach. I have had a personal trainer before, but it did not seem to help the stomach area.
    in PCOS Comment by Halld9 June 2011