Halld9 Posts: 6 Member
I have PCOS. I have read about a book by Carol Foster, " PCOS Miracle Diet". Has anyone heard about it? Is it for real or a scam? Any information about diet and PCOS would be great.


  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    i have PCOS i've never heard of it but i would say this... finding my own personal balance with nutrition has completely helped with my pco symptoms. the only one that still sucks rocks is the hair issue and my crazy heavy periods.

    the moment i cut fast food, my mood issues changed. it was very strange. i also take Yasmin. but i have PMDD which also has me watching what foods i intake to help with my mentality issues.

    so this book... take it with a grain of salt and you might want to speak to a nutritionist who has experience with endo issues.
  • MNM1010
    MNM1010 Posts: 11 Member
    I have PCOS too! I have not heard of that book/diet but I find that really following the "rules" is the only way I lose weight. I cut out fast food and soda, I try to eat less carbs, I keep my numbers right at or right below what MFP recommends. I try to exercise 4-5 times a week and most importantly I remember that it IS harder for us to lose weight, it takes alot of determination and strength to lose weight, but we can do it if we set our minds to it. Good Luck!!
  • FattyDocSkinny
    :smile: I have PCOS, too. Thanks for posting that reminder--it IS harder for us to lose weight. I have faith that we can do it, though.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I have PCOS as well, and while I haven't heard of this "miracle diet" ... I have found something that works. MFP!

    I have been on here for a year and a half now, and it definitely works. It is hard- really hard, when you should be losing 2 lbs. a week (for a total of 8 lbs. a month) and you're lucky to lose 5 lbs. a month. It sucks when you see people lose twice the amount of weight that you have in half the time. But at the end of the day, those people don't matter. What you are doing is for yourself, and if you stick it out, you will get there. It will work.

    I was on Yasmin for years to help control my PCOS symptoms. I went off it in December, just after Christmas. It has been 6 months now, and I'm so happy to say that the symptoms have NOT come back. I've been *perfectly* regular for the first time in my life. My cramps are no worse than they were when I was on the pill (before that, they were debilitating- now, it is one day of fairly minor, manageable cramps). And while my periods are a bit longer than "normal" ... they are SO much lighter its ridiculous. It shocks me every single month. And that makes it all worth it.

    I didn't cut out all sugar, or all carbs, or all fast food, or anything like that. I ate within the limits MFP gave me and I learned, slowly, over time, to eat better. I started off eating a lot of processed food because it was easier (Lean Cuisines, etc.). Now, I cook all my own meals, and eat more vegetables than I think I ever have in my life. You can't change your habits overnight, but you can slowly adapt until you get where you want to be.

    Feel free to friend me if you like. It is always good have others for support who know what you are doing though. :smile:
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I have heard low carb as well as very low dairy. It is amazing how many grams of carbs are in foods you wouldn't expect! A large part of PCOS is being insulin resistant, essentially you do not want your blood sugar to spike. Your body converts carbs to sugar (causing a spike) which is the reason for the low carb; I am not sure of the reason for low dairy but it seems to be beneficial for a lot of people.
  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    My 3 friends have PCOS. Two of them are on MFP. Think they would like to read this.
  • Halld9
    Halld9 Posts: 6 Member
    Is there anything that can be done about carrying all your weight in your stomach? I know it is part of PCOS, but it would be nice to have a flat stomach. I have had a personal trainer before, but it did not seem to help the stomach area.
  • murphysraven
    Welcome to MFP!

    I have PCOS as well. I finally signed up with a program with a nutritionist and I have lost 12lbs so far in a little over 3 weeks! I am taking glucophage and BC bills as well. Switching to whole foods and eating smaller meals with 2 healthy snacks a day has really helped as well as getting more active with walking.

    I would say find a good doctor who is familiar with pcos and is willing to work with you to help you understand what it is and how to manage it depending on your needs.

    Feel free to friend me if you would like :)
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    Hey Guys,
    I've started MFP today. I was dx with PCOS in February 2006. Have lost about 60lbs in five years. Though the last two years I've gone up and down the last 2 years. I'm ready to lose the last 40 lbs. I'm encouraged there are other PCOS ladies here as well!