

  • Don't beat yourself up about this, start fresh right now. It's never too late. You CAN do it.
  • Hi Laura, Wow, you are doing a great job! I think with the nice weather coming I may get a little more exercise which will help me with my weight loss. Judy
  • Hi there, you sound focused. I think this website is great and will help us out. My best to you and your weight loss journey.
  • Hi Zabra, What a pretty name. My name is Judy. I live in Wisconsin and I just joined this website a few days ago. I love it! I am hoping to lose 25-30 lbs. I just joined Curves and hope to get to my goal with diet and exercise. I am a teachers aide at a middle school. It can be stressful. I work with Special Ed children. I…
  • Hi Sarah, I am so happy for you. I just started yesterday. I love this site. I want to lose 26 lbs. by July. You gave me some motivation. Keep it up! Judy
    in Wow!!! Comment by judywil43 March 2010