so down tonight!!

So on friday my husband and I went to Bj's to food shop, I was excited because I could finally buy fruits and veggies and all the low calories I could fined... in the other hand my husband bought pizzas spaghetti bread after bread I didn't care much because I have been eating better since the moment i sign on to this site, So anyway I need help I ate good today but out of no where I got angry!! I mean really angry.... I was under my calories by 10 points only and i wasn't even hungry so I just ate two bowls of corn pops and a cup of spaghetti!!! =/ I am sitll in shock why did I do this if I am not even HUNGRY!!!!! I just feel like Why am I eating better if everyone around me is eating pizzas, lasagna, sesame bagels, doughnuts, Chinese food while i am eating whole wheat bread with tuna IDK Im just soooo sad!!!

am I just jealous??
sorry for the bad spelling I am just so upset!!


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I know how you feel. My husband is in the other room with a triple layer chocolate cake with chocolate on top. I make compromises with myself to not feel "left out" or deprived. I might eat some pizza with a huge salad. I eat bagels on days that I have worked out a lot or if I eat a doughnut, I go with plain and have some protein with it.

    I found that the only way to keep with my diet/lifestyle change was to alter my attitude. So what if someone else is eating something. I found things that make me feel better when I eat them instead. While my husband eats cake, I eat slow churned ice cream. If I am not hungry, I go read a book while he eats his desert.

    Remember that tomorrow is another day and a chance at a fresh start. It is good to be thinking about why you are doing this to yourself. Perhaps you may not feel jealous, but just left out. We get programmed from a young age to eat the same thing everyone else is. Modify the meals to add more veggies and less of the other stuff. No need to cut it out completely though.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    You may have nailed it: they get whatever they want and you don't. Sadly, for them, they are eating lots of saturated fats and setting themselves up for heart problems in the years ahead. You are, instead, treating your body well: eating fruits, vegetables, and helping everything run better than it has. Adding the exercise you do, you are getting toned at the same time.
    Also, everyone of us has days where we eat what we shouldn't. When you fall off the food wagon, you just get back on immediately and continue getting healthier. 2nd also, Allow yourself to have one bite of whatever it is you crave. One bite is so much smaller than one serving, you get to taste the object of your desire and still stay within your diet parameters.
    Always remember why you started this diet. Did you feel you needed to lose weight? Or did someone else tell you you needed to do it. If you feel the need to diet and want to get healthier, then just keep remembering that. You can do this, one day at a time. Hugs, BJB
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I get frustrated as well....mainly b/c my husband eats junk and stays skinny! For the longest time I allowed myself to eat as much as him b/c I felt it wasn't fair to deprive myself if he wasn' I know better and have realized my metabolism isn't the same and I snack far more than him, hence taking in a lot more calories.
    It's tough at times but instead of "missing out" I just stick to the recommended portion instead of eating 2 or 3 portions like he does.
  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    Well, first of all, it's ok! Now its time to get over it and move on......I'm wondering if your depriving yourself totally? I mean sometimes it's ok to have something your really craving and make up for it by cutting back on something else before the day ends. It's hard when it's right in front of you. I fight hard when hubby makes brownies. I mean REAL Hard! Sometimes it's just easier to have a small one and get over it or I end up focusing/craving on the brownies for hours. Start fresh tomorrow, learn from your mistake. Work on not letting it happen again. I think cuz your so down your wont do it again soon :o)
  • judywil43
    Don't beat yourself up about this, start fresh right now. It's never too late. You CAN do it.