rmlandrum Member


  • Slice it thin and layer it in a veggie lasagna, dice it up and saute it with other veggies to add to pasta, soups, or stews, or roast it in the oven with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  • Did you try just plain? Some find it too tart on it's own. I like Chobani brand the best, by itself or topped with fruit/cereal/granola. Stoneyfield brand seems to be the least tart.
  • At home I make my own vinagraittes with balsamic or red wine vinager, olive oil, and a little dijon mustard. At work I keep a bottle of Maple Grove Farms Fat Free Vidalia onion dressing. Only 20 calories in 2 tbsps. I put that on a salad I bring from home, or on a salad from a restaurant instead of the high cal dressing…
  • Quinoa topped with homemade chicken and black bean chili, a dollop of plain greek yogurt, and a sprinkle of lowfat cheese. So filling and the perfect cold weather food!
    in Quinoa Comment by rmlandrum May 2011
  • I feel like all the flab in my arm is at the back over my triceps. A good exercise for this area is to lift your arm straight over your head, then bend the elbow to a 90 degree angle and raise it back up. I do this with one 10 pound weight in both hands. Do a few sets of 15 of these and you will start to really feel it in…