

  • Thanks for the help! I have started entering it under "circuit training". I don't own a HRM, but I have been considering getting one.
  • I have just been recording mine in a general way....adding up all the exercises and putting in the average number of reps and weights.
  • I have completed one round of Insanity about 2 years ago and had great results with doing just the workouts. I just started a P90X/Insanity hybrid yesterday and I am definately feeling it!! :)
  • I love Insanity! I just started doing a hybrid P90X/Insanity program this week. The weather is starting to get colder, so I like to bring my workouts indoors...the BB programs are great. I don't have many friends either, so I will add you...motivation & accountability! :) How were your results on your first round?