

  • making this tonight! Thanks
  • bump for later! Thanks for sharing
  • Shin splints are not fun at all-but it has nothing to do with your physical condition. I now people who are in amazing shape (runners, trainers) and get shin splints. They've told me that the best thing to do is stretch a lot before a work out. Once you get them, you can also massage where it hurts to get the knots…
  • *My original post was supposed to quote this. Newby here :)
    in Back pain? Comment by EDuck May 2011
  • These are the excercises given to me by my physical therapist when I was having severe lower back pain. They have helped tremendously! He also had me doing them on a large excercise ball to help with the strengthening (I think the ball makes you do them more slowly because doing them fast can make you lose your balance and…
    in Back pain? Comment by EDuck May 2011
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