Ver0n1ca Member


  • You eat a lot of carbs, even though you don't eat that many in one meal. If I was working out every day and chasing 7 kids I wouldn't go crazy cutting out carbs but start by trying not to have non veggie carbs after 3pm without increasing what your norm is for breakfast/lunch/snack. Get your water in and monitor this for 3…
  • Google cinnamon extract and you will find a medical study that was done where they found significant results between the placebo group and the cinnamon extract group over the 12 week study.
  • I completely agree with adding good, nutritionally dense, healthy fat foods. Also, if you used the computer to calculate your BMR then leave room for error. Mine calculates out to 1640 calories a day but even when exercising and eating healthy, I start gaining weight around 1500 calories a day. If I stay between 1300 and…
  • Heck yeah! I reached what I thought was my goal weight and was miserable trying to stay there-eating like a rabbit and cutting way back on my social activities to avoid food and wine. So, I took a more realistic approach, started enjoying my life and added weight training. Now I have gained 8 lbs, wear the SAME SIZE but…
  • I am not the same weight as when I was 16 and was obsessing about getting there until recently. I am 8 lbs heavier but wear a size smaller pants! I am just going to chalk those 8 lbs up to boobs and 26 additional yrs of knowledge. :)
  • If I am doing the math right then MFP is estimating a drop of over 2 lbs per week based on your current calorie calculations. Is it possible that you are in starvation mode because your calories are too low, especially considering how much gym time you are putting in?
  • Jeffwalsh: I love this recipe but if you leave out the milk and it will have the consistency of ice cream! I have never thought about adding cocoa powder to it--YUM. I have added a little peanut butter which is delicious.
  • Feed the ice cream to the screaming child and see if you can get the crabby hubby to go to bed nicely. LOL! If it was me, I would make a cup of hot tea with an extra stevia and go into the bathroom. Sometimes I find pretending that I am "busy" in there gives me a moment or two to regroup and turning the fan on keeps…
  • You can also try youtube. There are many at home, 30 minute circuits that don't require any equipment. Search tabata, Jamie Eason, HIIT, and at home workout circuit.
  • I am in maintenance of my first round and could not be more thrilled! Here are the tips and websites that will be going with me into round 2 in July. These are MY tips so you may find that you have different tips as I did round 1 with 4 friends and what worked for me did not always work for all 4 of them and vice versa.…