

  • Hey Browneyes I'm new to my fitness pal. Just joined on Monday and also started JM 30shred. So far I've lost 2 lbs. And you??
  • Wow BabyT it even shows in your face that you have dropped significantly. Looking good. Here's to you taking charge of your health:flowerforyou:
  • Hi Letgetslim I also joined myfitnesspal today and also started ripped in 30 to and I'm trying the eating plan (well kinda). If you've tried it please share. And good luck on your fitness goal.:smile: :smile:
  • Hello Just started JM Rippen in 30 week 2 and it is challenging to say the least. I completed the HCG 21-day diet last month and lost about 15-16lbs. Started at 165 and weighed in at 149.8 at day 21; lost about 14 inches total but now need to tone it up a bit. Has anyone completed Jillians ripped in 30 using both the DVD…
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