Afura Member


  • MFP doesn't assign you steps, do you have an app that is syncing to MFP that is doing that?
  • 2lb/week is the healthiest recommendation for losing weight and that is, as @psuLemon said, is if you're morbidly obese. So sorry, you're getting the moans. Eat at a proper calorie deficit and keep at it. If you don't make your goal you're at least weighing less than you do right now.
  • It's not dumb but since we all eat different kind of foods, drink different things, it's hard to say. Drinking water will help, but by the end of the day? Couldn't say. For me I see the effects of high sodium (little over 2300) for a few days. It's really all just water weight and eventually flushes, don't sweat the few…
  • All I can think of are the horrid egg farts.... At one point I was eating 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast, eventually I got sick of them and it was quite a time before I could stand to eat one again.
    in Egg fast Comment by Afura March 2017
  • I'd say at the least eat 1200 calories daily, minimum, especially if you are doing so much exercise. If you used MFP to calculate your deficit, it uses the NEAT method (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) which means that it gives us the proper deficit to lose at WITHOUT accounting for exercise. Doing exercise puts you…
  • While MFP stores the database, a lot of the entries are user entered. If you don't see something you can always go on the Applebees website where you found the information and add it into MFP. I went into Food > Database and searched "Applebee" (no 'S' intentionally) and there were many entries listed.
  • It happened, next day please! If I sit and stew about a bad day, the next day I'm more likely to say the heck with it, I already messed up. Which makes it easier the day after and the day after... Another way of looking at it is, this day is already done. You can't do anything about today, you just have to work on the ones…
  • You can't be pho-real. I've made bone broth, it wasn't perfect, but I did it. What I will say is if you cook it for an extensive time (stock cooks for at least half the time) I had what I thought was a tastier broth than when I've made stock.
  • I can't see my snacks, they're in the freezer, in the pantry away from me and unseen. I also redirect. Last night I swore I was hungry, was thinking about bread with peanut butter, but I started reorganizing and cleaning, reading, etc. and eventually I went to bed. I'm not saying I'm 100% successful, but it definitely…
  • I prefer chicken thighs but either type I usually bake them, then pair them with some veggies and freeze for lunch meal prep. Breast has less fat and maybe it's my luck but always seems drier no matter what magic trick I do.
  • Or understand you're sacrificing calories to coffee. Because our work coffee is starbucks and even the light roast is burnt heinous I'll make my own creamer with almond milk and a flavored simple syrup.
  • I'd probably stab a family member I tolerate if ya'll made me skip breakfast. I wake up hungry, but it all depends on how OP feels. I do think there's a certain limit to hunger, and learning (or relearning for a lot of us) actual hunger signs. Before lunch my stomach was rumbling, and the hunger had been building for an…
  • If you're not used to walking, that's a pretty decent walk length. I'm heavier than you are, and I can promise you if I don't walk for awhile and then go for a long walk, I feel it no matter the speed I go but I'm definitely not gaining muscle. DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness btw.
  • If we could see your diary we could help answer this question more accurately. I'll echo @shadow2soul points and also ask how you are calculating your food - eyeballing, packing information, measuring, weighing? Have you seen any loss at all? How was your deficit calculated - was it a TDEE calculator, or MFP, or a number…
  • Here's a list of the apps that link with MFP. I use a GearFit and it doesn't sync either, so I usually end up just manually inputting my steps (if they're significant enough)
  • I don't lose the will to eat at a deficit because I don't deny myself what I want to eat. I eat cookies, and pasta, and etc. etc. but in smaller portions that fit into my calories. I track my food (no matter how bad) so when I see red for my calorie #'s, I know I'm not focused on weight loss. It helps me make conscious…
  • I generally have a day when I want to destroy the world, when that happens I know that the next day (or maybe the day after) will be the day I want to eat everything. I try and bring snacks with fats and proteins, but sometimes I'm just not paying attention or don't know and I'll eat at maintenance, which usually means…
  • If you want to see me turn into a absolutely jerkface, give me 1250 calories to eat. There's a reason that calculators give us a deficit for the amount we're trying to lose based off our current weight. Because it's a reasonable deficit that helps us lose weight at a responsible rate.
  • @stephanne13 Good idea, I didn't even think of chili! Easily processed. Because of pain meds the digestive track has a tendency to...ahem... back up. I'll definitely take a look at lentil soup, I haven't had much experience with lentils, always good to try something new! :smile:
  • If you're still having issues with breakfast, I hate mornings. The whole getting out of the covers thing generally already has me not appreciating the day. I go for a triple stack PB&J, it's around 325 depending on the bread used. Also, when you get the chance, prep some quick meals, use frozen steambag vegetables. Keep on…
  • As it's been 1 1/2 weeks, sure it's possible. Make sure your logging is as accurate as you can, and keep at it! Remember that weight loss isn't lateral - as @jemhh said, you'll see fluctuations, especially when you last want it. :cry:
  • I used to love food as rewards, then I realized this was silly. If I want to eat something, I fit it into my macros - ie I wanted a Dr Pepper (I get the little 90 cal cans), made sure I had enough calories, drank the Dr. Pepper. Be wary of packaging size too, it may be 1 package on things, but when you look there are…
  • Because people want to believe that a gimmick works. Therefore it is the product, not the part that they've been getting right.
  • You should do a search on the forums to help you find all the ACV threads with a resounding "NO". And recipe suggestions using ACV.
  • Right now the diary is opened so we can look and give opinions since it's hard to ask someone to write out their entire meals for several days. Most people I don't think are intentionally mean, it just comes out that way when you're trying to point out stuff. OP - Agreed with many of the other comments. Tighten up the…
  • Welcome to weight loss? It's not linear and is based on many different things. Are you at least experiencing a downward trend? As long as you're eating at a caloric deficit an are sure that your diary is on point (ie not eyeballing food, skipping entries, etc) you should see a trend down, and quite likely ups as well at…