

  • You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hawaii will be sooo worth it. (I need an exotic vacation plan to keep me motivated too!) And maybe you'll even meet a cute date!!!
    in Just Me Comment by kelstahzz June 2011
  • Hi from Orlando! I just started this site too -- so far it's been great; the people are so nice! Best of luck to you!
  • For me, it's been a process. I used to be hungry all the freakin time. What you said about always waiting around to eat? Definitely rang a bell. So, the first thing I did was to start eating breakfast right after waking up, instead of an hour or two later. Seems like the earlier I eat, the less hungry I am, and the full…
  • I've been doing p90x for a month now, but then I skipped an entire week, and made some pretty bad diet choices. I'm starting fresh today - 5/16/2011- and I swear to go all the way this time! Hopefully this site will be the extra boost of motivation I apparently need. :D
  • Just joined today -- sending a request!