mauswood Member


  • You got this! Just squeeze a few in whenever you can! :)
  • That's awesome! I love to clothes shop now....much to the chagrin of my closet :) Keep up the awesome work!
  • Awesome job! 100 pounds is quite the milestone. Keep up the stellar work!
  • You can totally do this! Just remember that it's a lifestyle change and not a race to the finish. Take baby steps at first so it's not overwhelming and just stick with it - even if the scale doesn't move one week, or you go over your calories - just keep moving forward. You've totally got this!
  • I'm still a little intimidated by gyms - but that comes from not really knowing how all the new-fangled machines work :) It's just important to remember that everyone there is focused on themselves and what they're doing. The only thing I think when I see someone new come in is "good for them" - Just keep doing what you're…
  • Totally agree - sometimes I would make myself eat just a little bit more to get to 1,200 - I have the problem a lot of the time where I'm not eating enough just because I've filled up on super low calorie foods.
  • I too have drifted away on occasion - WELCOME BACK!!!!! I only ever work out when I set myself a challenge with an end date and a numerical goal - like riding my exercise bike 1,000 miles in a month, or running 100 miles in a month - so this time it's crunches. Good luck - and you've totally got this!
  • 400 so far today - two day total 1,200.....yikes! :)
  • You look AMAZING! Good job!
  • Awesome!!!!!
  • When I did the 30ds there were a couple of exercises that I couldn't do because of injuries - I just switched those with some of the other exercises in the video. You can still succeed just by doing what you can do in the video. Don't give up, and just modify it to work for you. You got this!
  • I weighed myself once a month - that way I got to see a bigger number and I wasn't driven insane by day to day fluctuations.
  • Awesome job! Day one complete! :)
  • You are awesome, and you can totally do it! You are a motivation with all that you do in your daily life and then getting in your work out too! Proud of you!
  • ok.....did 300 more....800 for the day! I sure hope I'm sore tomorrow, otherwise I'm not doing it right :)
  • absolutely! Calories burned is calories burned - they don't expire. Some people just figure out how many net calories they want to consume for the whole week and then have days where they eat fewer than 1200 and days where they eat more....whatever works for you.
  • Awesome! Thanks so much - I'll try that tomorrow :)
    in 300 ABS Comment by mauswood January 2013
  • I love the standing crunches so much - they don't pull my neck and I feel it even more than I do floor crunches. Plus I can't use the excuse that my floor's too messy to do them haha.
  • Best of luck on your journey - have that tea and then have something low calorie that will fill you up a bit - like a giant carrot :) You need to make sure you're not ravenously hungry all the time, otherwise it will be much harder to stick to. But good luck! Maybe have TWO cups of tea.
  • A little trick I use - Eat with a baby fork and spoon! It FORCES you to slow down when you're eating. Also, drink a huge glass of water before every meal - helps to fill up some of that empty space, plus, you know, water's good for you and stuff. Find some easy foods that are tasty and zero prep time. When I was first…
  • Female now 31 - started when I was 28 maybe? 5' 7" Over 185 130 Took me 4 months to lose 40 pounds - watched calories and rode an exercise bike about 20 miles a day Allotted daily calories? 1,200 Did your allotted calories change with loss? I kept it at 1,200 until I plateaued for about years - now I have it at about 1,500…
  • It totally just takes some adjustment time. Once you've maintained for awhile it will start to feel like a more permanent reality and you won't be afraid to have a treat every once in awhile and you'll only talk about exercise when someone else brings it up. Don't worry about it, it will get easier :)
  • It's just one a little extra work out tomorrow, drink a ton of water tonight to flush it through your system, and don't worry about it. Just remember how it makes you feel and try to use that as a motivation in the future to avoid it :)
  • You might want to bump your calories up a little. Just the act of carrying around the extra weight means that you're burning a lot of calories. Try 16 to 1700 to start with and then as you get more used to that it's a little easier to bump it down. The trick is to find low calorie foods that fill your stomach up. I ate a…
  • Take an apple, scoop out the center and throw some peanut butter on there. You get your protein and some fiber and it's delicious.
  • Awesome results! Congrats :)
  • Fun video. One of my favorite work out songs haha :)
  • I like 3 and 4 - 4 being my favorite. I love a good A-line.
  • I just get all of mine at tjmaxx or marshalls. They're always on sale and they usually have cute stuff.
  • The only reason someone should even consider weight being an issue with the person they love is because of their health and wanting to make sure that person is going to be around to love as long as possible. But that's really just more of a health issue - skinny people can be super unhealthy too. I've totally dated guys…