

  • Thank you all ever so much, my lord i think we really do over exaggerate situations and lose track of our goals and inspirations when we slip up a little.. But thanks to you all, i just i remembered just how not scary this all be, after all i did this, i can undo it just as fast, and i was right to use this forum cause it…
  • I drink coffee/tea like no body's business, my grandma used to gimme some of her tea in my lil sippy cup when i was a baby cause i liked the taste..makes me glad i didn't fancy the feel of smoking as well (excuse the bad joke) naturally i grew up loving it..which is odd seeming as i was breast fed as well and all i…
  • I know exactly what you mean Venessa, and the thing is, I'm ashamed to admit, but now i just keep yo-yoing with my weight, i strict myself very well for like a week, and then my demotivation gets triggered by the simplest things ever.. but no more, I'm making a vow, it's a vow of strong will and self admiration, and heck…